INGV DMX bindings to ObsPy core module.
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
import numpy as np
from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer
from obspy.core.util.attribdict import AttribDict
descript_trace_dtypes = np.dtype([("network", "4S"),
("st_name", "5S"),
("component", "1S"),
("insstype", np.int16),
("begintime", np.double),
("localtime", np.int16),
("datatype", "1S"),
("descriptor", "1S"),
("digi_by", np.int16),
("processed", np.int16),
("length", np.int32),
("rate", np.float32),
("mindata", np.float32),
("maxdata", np.float32),
("avenoise", np.float32),
("numclip", np.int32),
("timecorrect", np.double),
("rate_correct", np.float32),
structtag_dtypes = np.dtype([("sinc", "1S"),
("machine", "1S"),
("id_struct", np.int16),
("len_struct", np.int32),
("len_data", np.int32)])
types = {"s": np.uint16, "q": np.int16, "u": np.uint16, "i": np.int16,
"2": np.int32, "l": np.int32, "r": np.uint16, "f": np.float32,
"d": np.float64}
def readstructtag(fid):
y = AttribDict()
# avoid passing np.intXX down to SpooledTemporaryFile.read() since it
# errors out on numpy integer types on at least Python 3.6, seems fixed in
# Python 3.7
# see https://ci.appveyor.com/project/obspy/obspy/
# builds/29252080/job/9gr8bqkgr005523n#L742
data = fid.read(int(structtag_dtypes.itemsize))
data = from_buffer(data, structtag_dtypes)
for (key, (fmt, size)) in structtag_dtypes.fields.items():
if str(fmt).count("S") != 0:
y[key] = data[key][0].decode('UTF-8')
y[key] = data[key][0]
return y
def readdescripttrace(fid):
y = AttribDict()
# avoid passing np.intXX down to SpooledTemporaryFile.read() since it
# errors out on numpy integer types on at least Python 3.6, seems fixed in
# Python 3.7
# see https://ci.appveyor.com/project/obspy/obspy/
# builds/29252080/job/9gr8bqkgr005523n#L742
data = fid.read(int(descript_trace_dtypes.itemsize))
data = from_buffer(data, descript_trace_dtypes)
for (key, (fmt, size)) in descript_trace_dtypes.fields.items():
if str(fmt).count("S") != 0:
y[key] = data[key][0].decode('UTF-8')
y[key] = data[key][0]
return y
def readdata(fid, n, t):
target = types[t]
# avoid passing np.intXX down to SpooledTemporaryFile.read() since it
# errors out on numpy integer types on at least Python 3.6, seems fixed in
# Python 3.7
# see https://ci.appveyor.com/project/obspy/obspy/
# builds/29252080/job/9gr8bqkgr005523n#L742
data = fid.read(int(np.dtype(target).itemsize * n))
return from_buffer(data, target)
def _is_dmx(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as fid:
while fid.read(12): # we require at least 1 full structtag
fid.seek(-12, 1)
structtag = readstructtag(fid)
if int(structtag.len_struct) + int(structtag.len_data) <= 0:
return False
elif structtag.id_struct == 7:
descripttrace = readdescripttrace(fid)
readdata(fid, descripttrace.length, descripttrace.datatype)
return True
int(structtag.len_struct) + int(structtag.len_data), 1)
except Exception:
return False
# If it reaches this point, this means no id_struct=7 has been found
return False
def _read_dmx(filename, **kwargs):
station = kwargs.get("station", None)
traces = []
with open(filename, "rb") as fid:
content = fid.read()
with SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') as fid:
while fid.read(12): # we require at least 1 full structtag
fid.seek(-12, 1)
structtag = readstructtag(fid)
if structtag.id_struct == 7:
descripttrace = readdescripttrace(fid)
if station is None or descripttrace.st_name.strip() == station:
data = readdata(fid, descripttrace.length,
tr = Trace(data=np.asarray(data))
tr.stats.network = descripttrace.network.strip()
tr.stats.station = descripttrace.st_name.strip()
tr.stats.channel = descripttrace.component
tr.stats.sampling_rate = descripttrace.rate
tr.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(descripttrace.begintime)
tr.stats.dmx = AttribDict({"descripttrace": descripttrace,
"structtag": structtag})
fid.seek(int(structtag.len_data), 1)
int(structtag.len_struct) + int(structtag.len_data), 1)
st = Stream(traces=traces)
return st
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest