Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Routines for handling of Reftek130 packets.

Currently only event header (EH), event trailer (ET) and data (DT) packets are
handled. These three packets have more or less the same meaning in the first 8
bytes of the payload which makes the first 24 bytes the so called extended
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer
from import clibmseed

from .util import (
    _decode_ascii, _parse_long_time, _16_tuple_ascii, _16_tuple_int,
    _16_tuple_float, bcd, bcd_hex,
    bcd_julian_day_string_to_nanoseconds_of_year, bcd_16bit_int, bcd_8bit_hex,

[docs] class Reftek130UnpackPacketError(ValueError): pass
PACKET_TYPES_IMPLEMENTED = ("EH", "ET", "DT") PACKET_TYPES_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = ("AD", "CD", "DS", "FD", "OM", "SC", "SH") PACKET_TYPES = PACKET_TYPES_IMPLEMENTED + PACKET_TYPES_NOT_IMPLEMENTED # The extended header which is the same for EH/ET/DT packets. # tuples are: # - field name # - dtype during initial reading # - conversion routine (if any) # - dtype after conversion PACKET = [ ("packet_type", "|S2", None, "S2"), ("experiment_number", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8), ("year", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8), ("unit_id", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_hex, "S4"), ("time", (np.uint8, 6), bcd_julian_day_string_to_nanoseconds_of_year, np.int64), ("byte_count", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint16), ("packet_sequence", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint16), ("event_number", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint16), ("data_stream_number", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8), ("channel_number", np.uint8, bcd, np.uint8), ("number_of_samples", (np.uint8, 2), bcd_16bit_int, np.uint32), ("flags", np.uint8, None, np.uint8), ("data_format", np.uint8, bcd_8bit_hex, "S2"), # Temporarily store the payload here. ("payload", (np.uint8, 1000), None, (np.uint8, 1000))] # name, offset, length (bytes) and converter routine for EH/ET packet payload EH_PAYLOAD = { "trigger_time_message": (0, 33, _decode_ascii), "time_source": (33, 1, _decode_ascii), "time_quality": (34, 1, _decode_ascii), "station_name_extension": (35, 1, _decode_ascii), "station_name": (36, 4, _decode_ascii), "stream_name": (40, 16, _decode_ascii), "_reserved_2": (56, 8, _decode_ascii), "sampling_rate": (64, 4, float), "trigger_type": (68, 4, _decode_ascii), "trigger_time": (72, 16, _parse_long_time), "first_sample_time": (88, 16, _parse_long_time), "detrigger_time": (104, 16, _parse_long_time), "last_sample_time": (120, 16, _parse_long_time), "channel_adjusted_nominal_bit_weights": (136, 128, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_true_bit_weights": (264, 128, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_gain_code": (392, 16, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_ad_resolution_code": (408, 16, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_fsa_code": (424, 16, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_code": (440, 64, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_sensor_fsa_code": (504, 16, _16_tuple_ascii), "channel_sensor_vpu": (520, 96, _16_tuple_float), "channel_sensor_units_code": (616, 16, _16_tuple_ascii), "station_channel_number": (632, 48, _16_tuple_int), "_reserved_3": (680, 156, _decode_ascii), "total_installed_channels": (836, 2, int), "station_comment": (838, 40, _decode_ascii), "digital_filter_list": (878, 16, _decode_ascii), "position": (894, 26, _decode_ascii), "reftek_120": (920, 80, None)} # mseed steim compression is big endian if sys.byteorder == 'little': SWAPFLAG = 1 else: SWAPFLAG = 0
[docs] class Packet(object): _headers = ('experiment_number', 'unit_id', 'byte_count', 'packet_sequence', 'time')
[docs] @staticmethod def from_data(data): packet_type = data['packet_type'].decode("ASCII", "ignore") if packet_type in ("EH", "ET"): return EHPacket(data) elif packet_type == "DT": return DTPacket(data) else: msg = "Can not create Reftek packet for packet type '{}'" raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(packet_type))
[docs] def __init__(self, data): raise NotImplementedError()
@property def type(self): return self._data['packet_type'].item()
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._headers: return self._data[name].item()
@property def nanoseconds(self): return self._data['time'].item() @property def time(self): return UTCDateTime(ns=self._data['time'].item())
[docs] class EHPacket(Packet): __slots__ = ["_data"] + list(EH_PAYLOAD.keys()) _headers = ('packet_sequence', 'experiment_number', 'unit_id', 'byte_count', 'time', 'event_number', 'data_stream_number', 'data_format', 'flags')
[docs] def __init__(self, data): self._data = data payload = self._data["payload"].tobytes() for name, (start, length, converter) in EH_PAYLOAD.items(): data = payload[start:start + length] if converter is not None: data = converter(data) setattr(self, name, data)
[docs] def _to_dict(self): """ Convert to dictionary structure. """ return {key: getattr(self, key) for key in EH_PAYLOAD.keys()}
[docs] def __str__(self, compact=False): if compact: sta = (self.station_name.strip() + self.station_name_extension.strip()) info = ("{:04d} {:2s} {:4s} {:2d} {:4d} {:4d} {:2d} {:2s} " "{:5s} {:4s} {!s}").format( self.packet_sequence, self.type.decode(), self.unit_id.decode(), self.experiment_number, self.byte_count, self.event_number, self.data_stream_number, self.data_format.decode(), sta, str(self.sampling_rate)[:4], self.time) else: info = [] for key in self._headers: value = getattr(self, key) if key in ("unit_id", "data_format"): value = value.decode() info.append("{}: {}".format(key, value)) info.append("-" * 20) for key in sorted(EH_PAYLOAD.keys()): value = getattr(self, key) if key in ("trigger_time", "detrigger_time", "first_sample_time", "last_sample_time"): if value is not None: value = UTCDateTime(ns=value) info.append("{}: {}".format(key, value)) info = "{} Packet\n\t{}".format(self.type.decode(), "\n\t".join(info)) return info
[docs] class DTPacket(Packet): __slots__ = ["_data"] _headers = ('packet_sequence', 'experiment_number', 'unit_id', 'byte_count', 'time', 'event_number', 'data_stream_number', 'channel_number', 'number_of_samples', 'data_format', 'flags')
[docs] def __init__(self, data): self._data = data
[docs] def __str__(self, compact=False): if compact: info = ("{:04d} {:2s} {:4s} {:2d} {:4d} {:4d} {:2d} {:2s} " " {:2d} {:4d} {!s}").format( self.packet_sequence, self.type.decode(), self.unit_id.decode(), self.experiment_number, self.byte_count, self.event_number, self.data_stream_number, self.data_format.decode(), self.channel_number, self.number_of_samples, self.time) else: info = [] for key in self._headers: value = getattr(self, key) if key in ("unit_id", "data_format"): value = value.decode() info.append("{}: {}".format(key, value)) info = "{} Packet\n\t{}".format(self.type.decode(), "\n\t".join(info)) return info
PACKET_INITIAL_UNPACK_DTYPE = np.dtype([ (name, dtype_initial) for name, dtype_initial, converter, dtype_final in PACKET]) PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE = np.dtype([ (name, dtype_final) for name, dtype_initial, converter, dtype_final in PACKET])
[docs] def _initial_unpack_packets(bytestring): """ First unpack data with dtype matching itemsize of storage in the reftek file, than allocate result array with dtypes for storage of python objects/arrays and fill it with the unpacked data. """ if not len(bytestring): return np.array([], dtype=PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE) if len(bytestring) % 1024 != 0: tail = len(bytestring) % 1024 bytestring = bytestring[:-tail] msg = ("Length of data not a multiple of 1024. Data might be " "truncated. Dropping {:d} byte(s) at the end.").format(tail) warnings.warn(msg) data = from_buffer( bytestring, dtype=PACKET_INITIAL_UNPACK_DTYPE) result = np.empty_like(data, dtype=PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE) for name, dtype_initial, converter, dtype_final in PACKET: if converter is None: result[name][:] = data[name][:] else: try: result[name][:] = converter(data[name]) except Exception as e: raise Reftek130UnpackPacketError(str(e)) # time unpacking is special and needs some additional work. # we need to add the POSIX timestamp of the start of respective year to the # already unpacked seconds into the respective year.. result['time'][:] += [_get_nanoseconds_for_start_of_year(y) for y in result['year']] return result
[docs] def _unpack_C0_C2_data(packets, encoding): # noqa """ Unpacks sample data from a packet array that uses 'C0' or 'C2' data encoding. :type packets: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype ``PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE``) :param packets: Array of data packets (``packet_type`` ``'DT'``) from which to unpack the sample data (with data encoding 'C0' or 'C2'). :type encoding: str :param encoding: Reftek data encoding as specified in event header (EH) packet, either ``'C0'`` or ``'C2'``. """ if encoding == 'C0': encoding_bytes = b'C0' elif encoding == 'C2': encoding_bytes = b'C2' else: msg = "Unregonized encoding: '{}'".format(encoding) raise ValueError(msg) if np.any(packets['data_format'] != encoding_bytes): differing_formats = np.unique( packets[packets['data_format'] != encoding_bytes]['data_format']).tolist() msg = ("Using '{}' data format unpacking routine but some packet(s) " "specify other data format(s): {}".format(encoding, differing_formats)) warnings.warn(msg) # if the packet array is contiguous in memory (which it generally should # be), we can work with the memory address of the first packed data byte # and advance it by a fixed offset when moving from one packet to the next if packets.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] and packets.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: return _unpack_C0_C2_data_fast(packets, encoding) # if the packet array is *not* contiguous in memory, fall back to slightly # slower unpacking with looking up the memory position of the first packed # byte in each packet individually. else: return _unpack_C0_C2_data_safe(packets, encoding)
[docs] def _unpack_C0_C2_data_fast(packets, encoding): # noqa """ Unpacks sample data from a packet array that uses 'C0' or 'C2' data encoding. Unfortunately the whole data cannot be unpacked with one call to libmseed as some payloads do not take the full 960 bytes. They are thus padded which would results in padded pieces directly in a large array and libmseed (understandably) does not support that. Thus we resort to *tada* pointer arithmetics in Python ;-) This is quite a bit faster then correctly casting to an integer pointer so it's worth it. Also avoid a data copy. Writing this directly in C would be about 3 times as fast so it might be worth it. :type packets: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype ``PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE``) :param packets: Array of data packets (``packet_type`` ``'DT'``) from which to unpack the sample data (with data encoding 'C0' or 'C2'). :type encoding: str :param encoding: Reftek data encoding as specified in event header (EH) packet, either ``'C0'`` or ``'C2'``. """ if encoding == 'C0': decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim1 elif encoding == 'C2': decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim2 else: msg = "Unregonized encoding: '{}'".format(encoding) raise ValueError(msg) npts = packets["number_of_samples"].sum() unpacked_data = np.empty(npts, dtype=np.int32) pos = 0 s = packets[0]["payload"][40:] if len(packets) > 1: offset = ( packets[1]["payload"][40:] - s) else: offset = 0 for _npts in packets["number_of_samples"]: decode_steim( s, 960, _npts, unpacked_data[pos:], _npts, None, SWAPFLAG) pos += _npts s += offset return unpacked_data
[docs] def _unpack_C0_C2_data_safe(packets, encoding): # noqa """ Unpacks sample data from a packet array that uses 'C0' or 'C2' data encoding. If the packet array is *not* contiguous in memory, fall back to slightly slower unpacking with looking up the memory position of the first packed byte in each packet individually. :type packets: :class:`numpy.ndarray` (dtype ``PACKET_FINAL_DTYPE``) :param packets: Array of data packets (``packet_type`` ``'DT'``) from which to unpack the sample data (with data encoding 'C0' or 'C2'). :type encoding: str :param encoding: Reftek data encoding as specified in event header (EH) packet, either ``'C0'`` or ``'C2'``. """ if encoding == 'C0': decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim1 elif encoding == 'C2': decode_steim = clibmseed.msr_decode_steim2 else: msg = "Unregonized encoding: '{}'".format(encoding) raise ValueError(msg) npts = packets["number_of_samples"].sum() unpacked_data = np.empty(npts, dtype=np.int32) pos = 0 # Sample data starts at byte 40 in the DT packet's # payload. for p in packets: _npts = p["number_of_samples"] decode_steim( p["payload"][40:], 960, _npts, unpacked_data[pos:], _npts, None, SWAPFLAG) pos += _npts return unpacked_data
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)