Source code for

from codecs import encode
import copy
import decorator

import numpy as np
from obspy import Trace

def _open_file(func, *args, **kwargs):
    Ensure a file buffer is passed as first argument to the
    decorated function.

    :param func: callable that takes at least one argument;
        the first argument must be treated as a buffer.
    :return: callable
    first_arg = args[0]
        with open(first_arg, 'rb') as fi:
            args = tuple([fi] + list(args[1:]))
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
    except TypeError:  # assume we have been passed a buffer
        if not hasattr(args[0], 'read'):
            raise  # type error was in function call, not in opening file
        out = func(*args, **kwargs)  # reset position to start of file
    return out

[docs] def _read(fi, position, length, dtype, left_part=True): """ Read one or more bytes using provided datatype. This function supports a few datatype options numpy does not support, otherwise the arguments are just passed to numpy. :param fi: A buffer containing the bytes to read. :param position: Byte position to start reading. :type position: int :param length: Length, in bytes, of data to read. :type length: int or float :param dtype: bcd, binary, IEEE or any numpy supported datatype. :type dtype: str :param left_part: If True, start the reading from the first half part of the byte position. If False, start the reading from the second half part of the byte position. :type left_part: bool """ if dtype == 'bcd': return _read_bcd(fi, length, left_part) elif dtype == 'binary': return _read_binary(fi, length, left_part) if dtype == 'IEEE': dtype = '>f4' # If we get here dtype should be understood by numpy data = np.frombuffer(, dtype) return data[0] if len(data) == 1 else data
[docs] def _read_bcd(fi, length, left_part): """ Interprets a byte string as binary coded decimals. See: :param fi: A buffer containing the bytes to read. :param length: number of bytes to read. :type length: int or float :param left_part: If True, start the reading from the first half part of the first byte. If False, start the reading from the second half part of the first byte. :type left_part: bool """ tens = np.power(10, range(12))[::-1] nbr_half_bytes = round(2 * length) if isinstance(length, float): length = int(length) + 1 byte_values = ints = np.frombuffer(byte_values, dtype='<u1', count=length) if left_part is True: unpack_bits = np.unpackbits(ints).reshape(-1, 4)[0:nbr_half_bytes] else: unpack_bits = np.unpackbits(ints).reshape(-1, 4)[1:nbr_half_bytes + 1] bits =, np.array([1, 2, 4, 8])[::-1].reshape(4, 1)) if np.any(bits > 9): raise ValueError('invalid bcd values encountered') return[-len(bits):], bits)[0]
[docs] def _read_binary(fi, length, left_part): """ Read raw bytes and convert them in integer. :param fi: A buffer containing the bytes to read. :param length: number of bytes to read. :type length: int or float :param left_part: If True, start the reading from the first half part of the byte. :type left_part: bool """ if isinstance(length, float): if abs(length - 0.5) <= 1e-7: ints = np.frombuffer(, dtype='<u1')[0] if left_part is True: return np.bitwise_and(ints >> 4, 0x0f) else: return np.bitwise_and(ints, 0x0f) else: raise ValueError('invalid length of bytes to read.\ It has to be an integer or 0.5') else: return int(encode(, 'hex'), 16)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)
[docs] def _quick_merge(traces, small_number=.000001): """ Specialized function for merging traces produced by _read_rg16. Requires that traces are of the same datatype, have the same sampling_rate, and dont have data overlaps. :param traces: list of ObsPy :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` objects. :param small_number: a small number for determining if traces should be merged. Should be much less than one sample spacing. :return: list of ObsPy :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` objects. """ # make sure sampling rates are all the same assert len({tr.stats.sampling_rate for tr in traces}) == 1 assert len({ for tr in traces}) == 1 sampling_rate = traces[0].stats.sampling_rate diff = 1. / sampling_rate + small_number # get the array ar, trace_ar = _trace_list_to_rec_array(traces) # get groups of traces that can be merged together group = _get_trace_groups(ar, diff) group_numbers = np.unique(group) out = [None] * len(group_numbers) # init output list for index, gnum in enumerate(group_numbers): trace_ar_to_merge = trace_ar[group == gnum] new_data = np.concatenate(list(trace_ar_to_merge['data'])) # get updated stats object new_stats = copy.deepcopy(trace_ar_to_merge['stats'][0]) new_stats.npts = len(new_data) out[index] = Trace(data=new_data, header=new_stats) return out
[docs] def _trace_list_to_rec_array(traces): """ Return a recarray from the trace list. These are separated into two arrays due to a weird issue with numpy.sort returning and error set. """ # get the id, starttime, endtime into a recarray # rec array column names must be native strings due to numpy issue 2407 dtype1 = [('id', object), ('starttime', float), ('endtime', float)] dtype2 = [('data', object), ('stats', object)] data1 = [(, tr.stats.starttime.timestamp, tr.stats.endtime.timestamp) for tr in traces] data2 = [(, tr.stats) for tr in traces] ar1 = np.array(data1, dtype=dtype1) # array of id, starttime, endtime ar2 = np.array(data2, dtype=dtype2) # array of data, stats objects # sort_index = np.argsort(ar1, order=['id', 'starttime']) return ar1[sort_index], ar2[sort_index]
[docs] def _get_trace_groups(ar, diff): """ Return an array of ints where each element corresponds to a pre-merged trace row. All trace rows with the same group number can be merged. """ # get a bool of if ids are the same as the next row down ids_different = np.ones(len(ar), dtype=bool) ids_different[1:] = ar['id'][1:] != ar['id'][:-1] # get bool of endtimes within one sample of starttime of next row disjoint = np.zeros(len(ar), dtype=bool) start_end_diffs = ar['starttime'][1:] - ar['endtime'][:-1] disjoint[:-1] = np.abs(start_end_diffs) <= diff # get groups (not disjoint, not different ids) return np.cumsum(ids_different & disjoint)