Source code for obspy.clients.filesystem.sds

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
obspy.clients.filesystem.sds - read support for SeisComP Data Structure
This module provides read support for data stored locally in a SeisComP Data
Structure (SDS) directory structure.

The directory and file layout of SDS is defined as::


These fields are defined by SDS as follows::

    SDSdir :  arbitrary base directory
    YEAR   :  4 digit year
    NET    :  Network code/identifier, up to 8 characters, no spaces
    STA    :  Station code/identifier, up to 8 characters, no spaces
    CHAN   :  Channel code/identifier, up to 8 characters, no spaces
    TYPE   :  1 characters indicating the data type, recommended types are:
               'D' - Waveform data
               'E' - Detection data
               'L' - Log data
               'T' - Timing data
               'C' - Calibration data
               'R' - Response data
               'O' - Opaque data
    LOC    :  Location identifier, up to 8 characters, no spaces
    DAY    :  3 digit day of year, padded with zeros


    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import glob
import os
import re
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta

import numpy as np

from obspy import Stream, read, UTCDateTime
from import _headonly_warning_msg
from obspy.core.util.misc import BAND_CODE
from import ObsPyMSEEDFilesizeTooSmallError

SDS_FMTSTR = os.path.join(
    "{year}", "{network}", "{station}", "{channel}.{sds_type}",
FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX = r"{(\w+?)?([!:].*?)?}"

[docs]class Client(object): """ Request client for SeisComP Data Structure archive on local filesystem. For details see the :meth:`~obspy.clients.filesystem.sds.Client.__init__()` method. """ FMTSTR = SDS_FMTSTR
[docs] def __init__(self, sds_root, sds_type="D", format="MSEED", fileborder_seconds=30, fileborder_samples=5000): """ Initialize a SDS local filesystem client. >>> from obspy.clients.filesystem.sds import Client >>> client = Client("/my/SDS/archive/root") # doctest: +SKIP :type sds_root: str :param sds_root: Root directory of SDS archive. :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: SDS data type identifier, one single character. Types recommended by the SDS definition are: 'D' - Waveform data, 'E' - Detection data, 'L' - Log data, 'T' - Timing data, 'C' - Calibration data, 'R' - Response data, 'O' - Opaque data. Can also be wildcarded by setting to ``?`` or ``*``. :type format: str :param format: File format the data is stored in, see :func:`` for a list of file formats supported by ObsPy. Usually, SDS archives are stored in "MSEED" format. Can be set to ``None`` for file format autodetection (slowing down the reading). :type fileborder_seconds: float :param fileborder_seconds: Defines in which cases the client checks the previous/next daily file for the requested data (data in SDS archives usually spill over on the day break, at least for a few seconds). For example setting ``fileborder_seconds=30`` means that for a request with ``starttime`` at ``00:00:29`` UTC (or an ``endtime`` at ``23:59:31``), the previous daily file is also checked, if it contains matching data. The maximum of both ``fileborder_seconds`` and ``fileborder_samples`` is used when determining if previous/next day should be checked for data. :type fileborder_samples: int :param fileborder_samples: Similar to ``fileborder_seconds``. The given number of samples is converted to seconds by mapping the band code of the requested channel to sampling frequency. The maximum of both ``fileborder_seconds`` and ``fileborder_samples`` is used when determining if previous/next day should be checked for data. """ if not os.path.isdir(sds_root): msg = ("SDS root is not a local directory: " + sds_root) raise IOError(msg) self.sds_root = sds_root self.sds_type = sds_type self.format = format and format.upper() self.fileborder_seconds = fileborder_seconds self.fileborder_samples = fileborder_samples
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, merge=-1, sds_type=None, **kwargs): """ Read data from a local SeisComP Data Structure (SDS) directory tree. >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime >>> t = UTCDateTime("2015-10-12T12") >>> st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "ANMO", "*", "HH?", t, t+30) ... # doctest: +SKIP :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported. :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :type merge: int or None :param merge: Specifies, which merge operation should be performed on the stream before returning the data. Default (``-1``) means only a conservative cleanup merge is performed to merge seamless traces (e.g. when reading across day boundaries). See :meth:`Stream.merge(...) <>` for details. If set to ``None`` (or ``False``) no merge operation at all will be performed. :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :param kwargs: Additional kwargs that get passed on to :func:`` internally, mostly for internal low-level purposes used by other methods. :rtype: :class:`` """ if starttime >= endtime: msg = ("'endtime' must be after 'starttime'.") raise ValueError(msg) sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type seed_pattern = ".".join((network, station, location, channel)) st = Stream() full_paths = self._get_filenames( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, sds_type=sds_type) for full_path in full_paths: try: st += read(full_path, format=self.format, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, sourcename=seed_pattern, **kwargs) except ObsPyMSEEDFilesizeTooSmallError: # just ignore small MSEED files, in use cases working with # near-realtime data these are usually just being created right # at request time, e.g. when fetching current data right after # midnight continue # make sure we only have the desired data, just in case the file # contents do not match the expected SEED id st =, station=station, location=location, channel=channel) # avoid trim/merge operations when we do a headonly read for # `_get_availability_percentage()` if kwargs.get("_no_trim_or_merge", False): return st st.trim(starttime, endtime) if merge is None or merge is False: pass else: st.merge(merge) return st
[docs] def get_waveforms_bulk(self, bulk): """ Reads bulk data from a local SeisComP Data Structure (SDS) directory tree. Returns a stream object with with the data requested from the local directory. :type bulk: list[tuple] :param bulk: Information about the requested data. """ st = Stream() for bulk_string in bulk: st += self.get_waveforms(*bulk_string) return st
[docs] def _get_filenames(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, sds_type=None): """ Get list of filenames for certain waveform and time span. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of time span. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of time span. :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :rtype: list[str] """ sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type # SDS has data sometimes in adjacent days, so also try to read the # requested data from those files. Usually this is only a few seconds # of data after midnight, but for now we play safe here to catch all # requested data (and with MiniSEED - the usual SDS file format - we # can use starttime/endtime kwargs anyway to read only desired parts). year_doy = set() # determine how far before starttime/after endtime we should check # other dayfiles for the data t_buffer = self.fileborder_samples / BAND_CODE.get(channel[:1], 20.0) t_buffer = max(t_buffer, self.fileborder_seconds) t = starttime - t_buffer t_max = endtime + t_buffer # make a list of year/doy combinations that covers the whole requested # time window (plus day before and day after) while t < t_max: year_doy.add((t.year, t.julday)) t += timedelta(days=1) year_doy.add((t_max.year, t_max.julday)) full_paths = set() for year, doy in year_doy: filename = self.FMTSTR.format( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, year=year, doy=doy, sds_type=sds_type) full_path = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename) full_paths = full_paths.union(glob.glob(full_path)) return full_paths
[docs] def _get_filename(self, network, station, location, channel, time, sds_type=None): """ Get filename for certain waveform. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param time: Time of interest. :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :rtype: str """ sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type filename = self.FMTSTR.format( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, year=time.year, doy=time.julday, sds_type=sds_type) return os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
[docs] def get_availability_percentage(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, sds_type=None): """ Get percentage of available data. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param starttime: Start of requested time window. :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param endtime: End of requested time window. :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :rtype: tuple(float, int) :returns: 2-tuple of percentage of available data (``0.0`` to ``1.0``) and number of gaps/overlaps. """ if starttime >= endtime: msg = ("'endtime' must be after 'starttime'.") raise ValueError(msg) sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", _headonly_warning_msg, UserWarning, "") st = self.get_waveforms(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, sds_type=sds_type, headonly=True, _no_trim_or_merge=True) # even if the warning was silently caught and not shown it gets # registered in the __warningregistry__ and will not be shown # subsequently in a place were it's not caught # see # see e.g. try: from import __warningregistry__ as \ stream_warningregistry except ImportError: # import error means no warning has been issued from # before, so nothing to do. pass else: for key in list(stream_warningregistry.keys()): if key[0] == _headonly_warning_msg: stream_warningregistry.pop(key) st.sort(keys=['starttime', 'endtime']) st.traces = [tr for tr in st if not (tr.stats.endtime < starttime or tr.stats.starttime > endtime)] if not st: return (0, 1) total_duration = endtime - starttime # sum up gaps in the middle gaps = [gap[6] for gap in st.get_gaps()] gap_sum = np.sum(gaps) gap_count = len(gaps) # check if we have a gap at start or end earliest = min([tr.stats.starttime for tr in st]) latest = max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in st]) if earliest > starttime: gap_sum += earliest - starttime gap_count += 1 if latest < endtime: gap_sum += endtime - latest gap_count += 1 return (1 - (gap_sum / total_duration), gap_count)
[docs] def _get_current_endtime(self, network, station, location, channel, sds_type=None, stop_time=None, check_has_no_data=True): """ Get time of last sample for given stream. ``None`` is returned if no data at all is encountered when going backwards until `stop_time` (defaults to Jan 1st 1950). :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :type stop_time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param stop_time: Time at which the search for data is stopped and ``None`` is returned. If not specified, stops at ``1950-01-01T00``. :type check_has_no_data: bool :param check_has_no_data: Whether to perform a check with :meth:`has_data` if any data is available at all for the given SEED ID. Turns out that this check can take a long time on slow filesystems (e.g. NFS), so it might actually make the latency check take longer than necessary, so deactivating it might be worth a try if speed issues occur. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` or ``None`` """ sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type seed_pattern = ".".join((network, station, location, channel)) if check_has_no_data and not self.has_data( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, sds_type=sds_type): return None stop_time = stop_time or UTCDateTime(1950, 1, 1) st = None time = UTCDateTime() while not st: if time < stop_time: return None filename = self._get_filename( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, time=time, sds_type=sds_type) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: st = read(filename, format=self.format, headonly=True, sourcename=seed_pattern) except ObsPyMSEEDFilesizeTooSmallError: # just ignore small MSEED files, in use cases working with # near-realtime data these are usually just being created # right at request time, e.g. when fetching current data # right after midnight st = None else: st =, station=station, location=location, channel=channel) if st: break time -= 24 * 3600 return max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in st])
[docs] def get_latency(self, network, station, location, channel, sds_type=None, stop_time=None, check_has_no_data=True): """ Get latency for given stream, i.e. difference of current time and latest available data for stream in SDS archive. ``None`` is returned if no data at all is encountered when going backwards until `stop_time` (defaults to Jan 1st 1950). :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :type stop_time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param stop_time: Time at which the search for data is stopped and ``None`` is returned. If not specified, stops at ``1950-01-01T00``. :type check_has_no_data: bool :param check_has_no_data: Whether to perform a check with :meth:`has_data` if any data is available at all for the given SEED ID. Turns out that this check can take a long time on slow filesystems (e.g. NFS), so it might actually make the latency check take longer than necessary, so deactivating it might be worth a try if speed issues occur. :rtype: float or ``None`` :returns: Latency in seconds or ``None`` if no data was encountered from current time backwards until ``stop_time``. """ endtime = self._get_current_endtime( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, sds_type=sds_type, stop_time=stop_time, check_has_no_data=check_has_no_data) if endtime is None: return endtime return UTCDateTime() - endtime
[docs] def has_data(self, network, station, location, channel, sds_type=None): """ Check if specified stream has any data. Actually just checks whether a file is encountered in a folder that is expected to contain data. :type network: str :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU"). :type station: str :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO"). :type location: str :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. ""). :type channel: str :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ"). :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :rtype: bool """ sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type pattern = re.sub( FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, _wildcarded_except(["network", "station", "location", "channel", "sds_type"]), self.FMTSTR) pattern = pattern.format( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, sds_type=sds_type) pattern = os.path.join(self.sds_root, pattern) if glob.glob(pattern): return True else: return False
[docs] def get_all_nslc(self, sds_type=None, datetime=None): """ Return information on what streams are included in archive. Note that this can be very slow on network file systems because every single file has to be touched (because available location codes can not be discovered from folder structure alone). :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :type datetime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param datetime: Only return all streams that have data at specified time (checks if file exists that should have the data, i.e. streams might be returned that have data on the same day but not at exactly this point in time). :rtype: list :returns: List of (network, station, location, channel) 4-tuples of all available streams in archive. """ sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type result = set() # wildcarded pattern to match all files of interest if datetime is None: pattern = re.sub( FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, _wildcarded_except(["sds_type"]), self.FMTSTR).format(sds_type=sds_type) pattern = os.path.join(self.sds_root, pattern) else: pattern = self._get_filename("*", "*", "*", "*", datetime) all_files = glob.glob(pattern) # set up inverse regex to extract kwargs/values from full paths pattern_ = os.path.join(self.sds_root, self.FMTSTR) group_map = {i: groups[0] for i, groups in enumerate(re.findall(FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, pattern_))} for file_ in all_files: dict_ = _parse_path_to_dict(file_, pattern_, group_map) try: network = dict_["network"] station = dict_["station"] location = dict_["location"] channel = dict_["channel"] except KeyError as e: msg = ( "Failed to extract key from pattern '{}' in path " "'{}': {}").format(pattern, file_, e) warnings.warn(msg) continue result.add((network, station, location, channel)) return sorted(result)
[docs] def get_all_stations(self, sds_type=None): """ Return information on what stations are included in archive. This method assumes that network/station combinations can be discovered from the folder structure alone (as opposed to the filenames). :type sds_type: str :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization. :rtype: list :returns: List of (network, station) 2-tuples of all available stations in archive. """ sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type result = set() # wildcarded pattern to match all files of interest fmtstr = os.path.dirname(self.FMTSTR) pattern = re.sub( FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, _wildcarded_except(["sds_type"]), fmtstr).format(sds_type=sds_type) pattern = os.path.join(self.sds_root, pattern) all_files = glob.glob(pattern) # set up inverse regex to extract kwargs/values from full paths pattern_ = os.path.join(self.sds_root, fmtstr) group_map = {i: groups[0] for i, groups in enumerate(re.findall(FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, pattern_))} for file_ in all_files: dict_ = _parse_path_to_dict(file_, pattern_, group_map) try: network = dict_["network"] station = dict_["station"] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: if isinstance(e, TypeError) and dict_ is not None: raise msg = ( "Failed to extract key from pattern '{}' in path " "'{}': {}").format(pattern_, file_, e) warnings.warn(msg) continue result.add((network, station)) return sorted(result)
[docs]def _wildcarded_except(exclude=[]): """ Function factory for :mod:`re` ``repl`` functions used in :func:`re.sub`, replacing all format string place holders with ``*`` wildcards, except named fields as specified in ``exclude``. """ def _wildcarded(match): if in exclude: return return "*" return _wildcarded
[docs]def _parse_path_to_dict(path, pattern, group_map): # escape special regex characters "." and "\" # in principle we should escape all special characters in Python regex: # . ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( ) # and also only replace them if outside of format string placeholders.. regex = re.sub(r'([\.\\])', r'\\\1', pattern) # replace each format string placeholder with a regex group, matching # alphanumerics. append end-of-line otherwise the last non-greedy match # doesn't catch anything if it's at the end of the regex regex = re.sub(FORMAT_STR_PLACEHOLDER_REGEX, r'(\\w*?)', regex) + "$" match = re.match(regex, path) if match is None: return None result = {} for i, value in enumerate(match.groups()): key = group_map[i] if key in result: if result[key] != value: msg = ( "Failed to parse path '{}': Mismatching information " "for key '{}' from pattern '{}'.").format( path, key, pattern) warnings.warn(msg) return None result[key] = value return result
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)