# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SEISAN bindings to ObsPy core module.
The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import * # NOQA
from future.utils import native_str
import numpy as np
import warnings
from obspy import Stream, Trace, UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stats
from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer
[docs]def _is_seisan(filename):
Checks whether a file is SEISAN or not.
:type filename: str
:param filename: Name of the audio SEISAN file to be checked.
:rtype: bool
:return: ``True`` if a SEISAN file.
.. rubric:: Example
>>> _is_seisan("/path/to/1996-06-03-1917-52S.TEST__002") #doctest: +SKIP
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read(12 * 80)
except Exception:
return False
# read some data - contains at least 12 lines a 80 characters
if _get_version(data):
return True
return False
[docs]def _get_version(data):
Extracts SEISAN version from given data chunk.
data : string
Data chunk.
tuple, ([ '<' | '>' ], [ 32 | 64 ], [ 6 | 7 ])
Byte order (little endian '<' or big endian '>'), architecture (32 or
64) and SEISAN version (6 or 7).
From the SEISAN documentation::
When Fortran writes a files opened with "form=unformatted", additional
data is added to the file to serve as record separators which have to
be taken into account if the file is read from a C-program or if read
binary from a Fortran program. Unfortunately, the number of and meaning
of these additional characters are compiler dependent. On Sun, Linux,
MaxOSX and PC from version 7.0 (using Digital Fortran), every write is
preceded and terminated with 4 additional bytes giving the number of
bytes in the write. On the PC, Seisan version 6.0 and earlier using
Microsoft Fortran, the first 2 bytes in the file are the ASCII
character "KP". Every write is preceded and terminated with one byte
giving the number of bytes in the write. If the write contains more
than 128 bytes, it is blocked in records of 128 bytes, each with the
start and end byte which in this case is the number 128. Each record is
thus 130 bytes long. All of these additional bytes are transparent to
the user if the file is read as an unformatted file. However, since the
structure is different on Sun, Linux, MacOSX and PC, a file written as
unformatted on Sun, Linux or MacOSX cannot be read as unformatted on PC
or vice versa.
The files are very easy to write and read on the same computer but
difficult to read if written on a different computer. To further
complicate matters, the byte order is different on Sun and PC. With 64
bit systems, 8 bytes is used to define number of bytes written. This
type of file can also be read with SEISAN, but so far only data written
on Linux have been tested for reading on all systems.
From version 7.0, the Linux and PC file structures are exactly the
same. On Sun the structure is the same except that the bytes are
swapped. This is used by SEISAN to find out where the file was written.
Since there is always 80 characters in the first write, character one
in the Linux and PC file will be the character P (which is represented
by 80) while on Sun character 4 is P.
# check size of data chunk
if len(data) < 12 * 80:
return False
if data[0:2] == b'KP' and data[82:83] == b'P':
return ("<", 32, 6)
elif data[0:8] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00P' and \
data[88:96] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00P':
return (">", 64, 7)
elif data[0:8] == b'P\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' and \
data[88:96] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00P':
return ("<", 64, 7)
elif data[0:4] == b'\x00\x00\x00P' and data[84:88] == b'\x00\x00\x00P':
return (">", 32, 7)
elif data[0:4] == b'P\x00\x00\x00' and data[84:88] == b'P\x00\x00\x00':
return ("<", 32, 7)
return None
[docs]def _read_seisan(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable
Reads a SEISAN file and returns an ObsPy Stream object.
.. warning::
This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function, call this instead.
:type filename: str
:param filename: SEISAN file to be read.
:rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
:return: A ObsPy Stream object.
.. rubric:: Example
>>> from obspy import read
>>> st = read("/path/to/2001-01-13-1742-24S.KONO__004")
>>> st # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<obspy.core.stream.Stream object at 0x...>
>>> print(st) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
4 Trace(s) in Stream:
.KONO.0.B0Z | 2001-01-13T17:45:01.999000Z - ... | 20.0 Hz, 6000 samples
.KONO.0.L0Z | 2001-01-13T17:42:24.924000Z - ... | 1.0 Hz, 3542 samples
.KONO.0.L0N | 2001-01-13T17:42:24.924000Z - ... | 1.0 Hz, 3542 samples
.KONO.0.L0E | 2001-01-13T17:42:24.924000Z - ... | 1.0 Hz, 3542 samples
# get version info from event file header (at least 12*80 bytes)
fh = open(filename, 'rb')
data = fh.read(80 * 12)
(byteorder, arch, version) = _get_version(data)
dlen = arch // 8
dtype = np.dtype(native_str(byteorder + 'i' + str(dlen)))
stype = native_str('=i' + str(dlen))
def _readline(fh, version=version, dtype=dtype):
if version >= 7:
# On Sun, Linux, MaxOSX and PC from version 7.0 (using Digital
# Fortran), every write is preceded and terminated with 4
# additional bytes giving the number of bytes in the write.
# With 64 bit systems, 8 bytes is used to define number of bytes
# written.
start_bytes = fh.read(dtype.itemsize)
# convert to int32/int64
length = from_buffer(start_bytes, dtype=dtype)[0]
data = fh.read(length)
end_bytes = fh.read(dtype.itemsize)
assert start_bytes == end_bytes
return data
else: # version <= 6
# Every write is preceded and terminated with one byte giving the
# number of bytes in the write. If the write contains more than 128
# bytes, it is blocked in records of 128 bytes, each with the start
# and end byte which in this case is the number 128. Each record is
# thus 130 bytes long.
data = b''
while True:
start_byte = fh.read(1)
if not start_byte:
# end of file
# convert to unsigned int8
length = from_buffer(start_byte, np.uint8)[0]
data += fh.read(length)
end_byte = fh.read(1)
assert start_byte == end_byte
if length == 128:
# blocked data - repeat loop
# end of blocked data
return data
# reset file pointer
if version >= 7:
# version <= 6 starts with first byte K
# event file header
# line 1
data = _readline(fh)
number_of_channels = int(data[30:33])
# calculate number of lines with channels
number_of_lines = number_of_channels // 3 + (number_of_channels % 3 and 1)
if number_of_lines < 10:
number_of_lines = 10
# line 2 - always empty
data = _readline(fh)
# line 3
for _i in range(0, number_of_lines):
data = _readline(fh)
# now parse each event file channel header + data
stream = Stream()
for _i in range(number_of_channels):
# get channel header
temp = _readline(fh).decode()
# create Stats
header = Stats()
header['network'] = (temp[16] + temp[19]).strip()
header['station'] = temp[0:5].strip()
header['location'] = (temp[7] + temp[12]).strip()
header['channel'] = (temp[5:7] + temp[8]).strip()
header['sampling_rate'] = float(temp[36:43])
header['npts'] = int(temp[43:50])
# create start and end times
year = int(temp[9:12]) + 1900
month = int(temp[17:19])
day = int(temp[20:22])
hour = int(temp[23:25])
mins = int(temp[26:28])
secs = float(temp[29:35])
header['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, mins) + secs
if headonly:
# skip data
from_buffer(_readline(fh), dtype=dtype)
# fetch data
data = from_buffer(_readline(fh), dtype=dtype)
# convert to system byte order
data = np.require(data, stype)
if header['npts'] != len(data):
msg = "Mismatching byte size %d != %d"
warnings.warn(msg % (header['npts'], len(data)))
stream.append(Trace(data=data, header=header))
return stream
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest