- TauModel.serialize(filename)[source]¶
Serialize model to numpy npz binary file.
Summary of contents that have to be handled during serialization:
TauModel ======== cmb_branch <type 'int'> cmb_depth <type 'float'> debug <type 'bool'> iocb_branch <type 'int'> iocb_depth <type 'float'> moho_branch <type 'int'> moho_depth <type 'float'> no_discon_depths <type 'list'> (of float!?) radius_of_planet <type 'float'> ray_params <type 'numpy.ndarray'> (1D, float) s_mod <class 'obspy.taup.slowness_model.SlownessModel'> source_branch <type 'int'> source_depth <type 'float'> is_spherical <type 'bool'> tau_branches <type 'numpy.ndarray'> (2D, type TauBranch) TauBranch ========= debug <type 'bool'> bot_depth <type 'float'> dist <type 'numpy.ndarray'> is_p_wave <type 'bool'> max_ray_param <type 'float'> min_ray_param <type 'float'> min_turn_ray_param <type 'float'> tau <type 'numpy.ndarray'> time <type 'numpy.ndarray'> top_depth <type 'float'> SlownessModel ============= debug <type 'bool'> p_layers <type 'numpy.ndarray'> p_wave <type 'bool'> s_layers <type 'numpy.ndarray'> s_wave <type 'bool'> allow_inner_core_s <type 'bool'> critical_depths <type 'numpy.ndarray'> fluid_layer_depths <type 'list'> (of DepthRange) high_slowness_layer_depths_p <type 'list'> (of DepthRange) high_slowness_layer_depths_s <type 'list'> (of DepthRange) max_delta_p <type 'float'> max_depth_interval <type 'float'> max_interp_error <type 'float'> max_range_interval <type 'float'> min_delta_p <type 'float'> radius_of_planet <type 'float'> slowness_tolerance <type 'float'> v_mod <class 'obspy.taup.velocity_model.VelocityModel'> VelocityModel ============= cmb_depth <type 'float'> iocb_depth <type 'float'> is_spherical <type 'bool'> layers <type 'numpy.ndarray'> max_radius <type 'float'> min_radius <type 'int'> model_name <type 'unicode'> moho_depth <type 'float'> radius_of_planet <type 'float'>