
Channel.is_active(time=None, starttime=None, endtime=None)

Checks if the item was active at some given point in time (time) and/or if it was active at some point during a certain time range (starttime, endtime).


If none of the time constraints is specified the result will always be True.

  • time (UTCDateTime) – Only include networks/stations/channels active at given point in time.

  • starttime (UTCDateTime) – Only include networks/stations/channels active at or after given point in time (i.e. channels ending before given time will not be shown).

  • endtime (UTCDateTime) – Only include networks/stations/channels active before or at given point in time (i.e. channels starting after given time will not be shown).

Return type



True/False depending on whether the item matches the specified time criteria.