
write_select(catalog, filename, userid='OBSP', evtype='L', wavefiles=None, high_accuracy=True, nordic_format='OLD')[source]

Function to write a catalog to a select file in nordic format.

  • catalog (Catalog) – A catalog of obspy events

  • filename (str) – Path to write to

  • userid (str) – Up to 4 character user ID

  • evtype (str) – Single character string to describe the event, either L, R or D.

  • wavefiles (list) – Waveforms to associate the events with, must be ordered in the same way as the events in the catalog.

  • high_accuracy (bool) – Whether to output pick seconds at 6.3f (high_accuracy) or 5.2f (standard)

  • nordic_format (str) – Version of Nordic format to be used for output, either OLD or NEW.