Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GSE2.0 bulletin read support.

    EOST (École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre)
    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
import re
import warnings

from obspy.core.event import (Amplitude, Arrival, Catalog, Comment,
                              CreationInfo, Event, EventDescription,
                              Magnitude, Origin, OriginQuality,
                              OriginUncertainty, Pick, ResourceIdentifier,
from obspy.core.event.header import (
    EvaluationMode, EventDescriptionType, EventType, EventTypeCertainty,
    OriginDepthType, OriginUncertaintyDescription, PickOnset, PickPolarity)
from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime

# Convert GSE2 depth flag to ObsPy depth type
    'f': OriginDepthType('operator assigned'),
    'd': OriginDepthType('constrained by depth phases'),

# Convert GSE2 analysis type to ObsPy evaluation modes
    'm': EvaluationMode.MANUAL,
    'a': EvaluationMode.AUTOMATIC,
    'g': EvaluationMode.MANUAL,

# Convert GSE2 to ObsPy location methods
    'i': 'inversion',
    'p': 'pattern recognition',
    'g': 'ground truth',
    'o': 'other',

# Convert GSE2 to ObsPy event types
    'ke': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
    'se': (EventTypeCertainty.SUSPECTED,
    'kr': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
           EventType('rock burst')),
    'sr': (EventTypeCertainty.SUSPECTED,
           EventType('rock burst')),
    'ki': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
           EventType('induced or triggered event')),
    'si': (EventTypeCertainty.SUSPECTED,
           EventType('induced or triggered event')),
    'km': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
           EventType('mining explosion')),
    'sm': (EventTypeCertainty.SUSPECTED,
           EventType('mining explosion')),
    'kx': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
           EventType('experimental explosion')),
    'sx': (EventTypeCertainty.SUSPECTED,
           EventType('experimental explosion')),
    'kn': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
           EventType('nuclear explosion')),
    'sn': (EventTypeCertainty.SUSPECTED,
           EventType('nuclear explosion')),
    'ls': (EventTypeCertainty.KNOWN,
    'uk': (None,

# Convert GSE2 to ObsPy polarity
    'c': PickPolarity.POSITIVE,
    'd': PickPolarity.NEGATIVE,

# Convert GSE2 to ObsPy pick onset
    'E': PickOnset.EMERGENT,
    'I': PickOnset.IMPULSIVE,
    'Q': PickOnset.QUESTIONABLE,

[docs] class GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(Exception): """Raised when the file is not a valid GSE2 file"""
[docs] def _is_gse2(filename): """ Checks whether a file is GSE2.0 format. :type filename: str :param filename: Name of the GSE2.0 file to be checked. :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if GSE2.0 file. """ try: with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: temp = except Exception: return False if temp != b'BEGIN GSE2.0': return False return True
[docs] class LinesIterator(object): """ Iterator to iterate file lines and count lines. Usefull for warning messages. """
[docs] def __init__(self, lines): self.lines = iter(lines) self.line_nb = 0
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def __next__(self): self.line_nb += 1 return next(self.lines)
[docs] class Unpickler(object): """ De-serialize a GSE2.0 string into an ObsPy Catalog object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, inventory, default_network_code, default_location_code, default_channel_code, res_id_prefix, fields, event_point_separator, agency): self.default_network_code = default_network_code self.default_location_code = default_location_code self.default_channel_code = default_channel_code self.inventory = inventory self.res_id_prefix = res_id_prefix self.event_point_separator = event_point_separator = agency = '' self.fields = { 'line_1': { 'time': slice(0, 21), 'time_fixf': slice(22, 23), 'lat': slice(25, 33), 'lon': slice(34, 43), 'epicenter_fixf': slice(44, 45), 'depth': slice(47, 52), 'depth_fixf': slice(53, 54), 'n_def': slice(56, 60), 'n_sta': slice(61, 65), 'gap': slice(66, 69), 'mag_type_1': slice(71, 73), 'mag_1': slice(73, 77), 'mag_n_sta_1': slice(78, 80), 'mag_type_2': slice(82, 84), 'mag_2': slice(84, 88), 'mag_n_sta_2': slice(89, 91), 'mag_type_3': slice(93, 95), 'mag_3': slice(95, 99), 'mag_n_sta_3': slice(100, 102), 'author': slice(104, 112), 'id': slice(114, 122), }, 'line_2': { 'rms': slice(5, 10), 'ot_error': slice(15, 21), 's_major': slice(25, 31), 's_minor': slice(32, 38), 'az': slice(40, 43), 'depth_err': slice(49, 54), 'min_dist': slice(56, 62), 'max_dist': slice(63, 69), 'mag_err_1': slice(74, 77), 'mag_err_2': slice(85, 88), 'mag_err_3': slice(96, 99), 'antype': slice(104, 105), 'loctype': slice(106, 107), 'evtype': slice(108, 110), }, 'arrival': { 'sta': slice(0, 5), 'dist': slice(6, 12), 'ev_az': slice(13, 18), 'picktype': slice(19, 20), 'direction': slice(20, 21), 'detchar': slice(21, 22), 'phase': slice(23, 30), 'time': slice(31, 52), 't_res': slice(53, 58), 'azim': slice(59, 64), 'az_res': slice(65, 71), 'slow': slice(72, 77), 's_res': slice(78, 83), 't_def': slice(84, 85), 'a_def': slice(85, 86), 's_def': slice(86, 87), 'snr': slice(88, 93), 'amp': slice(94, 103), 'per': slice(104, 109), 'mag_type_1': slice(110, 112), 'mag_1': slice(112, 116), 'mag_type_2': slice(117, 119), 'mag_2': slice(119, 123), 'id': slice(124, 132), }, } if fields: if 'line_1' in fields: self.fields['line_1'].update(fields['line_1']) if 'line_2' in fields: self.fields['line_2'].update(fields['line_2']) if 'arrival' in fields: self.fields['arrival'].update(fields['arrival'])
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Read GSE2.0 file into ObsPy catalog object. :type filename: str :param filename: File name to read. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :return: ObsPy Catalog object. """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: self.lines = LinesIterator(f.readlines()) return self._deserialize()
[docs] def _add_line_nb(self, message): """ Add line number at the end of a str message. :type message: str :param message: Message for warnings or exceptions. :rtype: str :return: Message with line number. """ return "%s, line %s" % (message, self.lines.line_nb)
[docs] def _warn(self, message): """ Display a warning message with the line number. :type message: str :param message: Message to be displayed """ warnings.warn(self._add_line_nb(message))
[docs] def _skip_empty_lines(self): line = next(self.lines) while not line or line.isspace(): line = next(self.lines) return line
[docs] def _get_res_id(self, ident, parent=None, parent_res_id=None): """ Create a :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` object. :type ident: str :param ident: Id of the :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier`. :type parent: :class:`~obspy.core.event.origin.Origin`, :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` or any other object with a resource_id attribute. :param parent: The resource_id attribute of the parent will be used as a prefix for the new :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier`. :type parent_res_id: :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` :param parent_res_id: :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` of the parent. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` :return:  ResourceIdentifier object. """ prefix = self.res_id_prefix # Put the parent id as prefix # Example: smi:local/origin/351412/arrival/6389611 # | prefix | ident | if parent: prefix = elif parent_res_id: prefix = public_id = "%s/%s" % (prefix, ident) return ResourceIdentifier(public_id)
[docs] def _comment(self, text): comment = Comment() comment.text = text comment.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(prefix=self.res_id_prefix) return comment
[docs] def _get_creation_info(self): creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime()) if creation_info.agency_id = if = return creation_info
[docs] def _check_header(self, first_line): """ Just check some stuff in header. :type first_line: str :param first_line: First line of header. """ line_1_pattern = r'BEGIN\sGSE2.0' line_2_pattern = r'MSG_TYPE\s(REQUEST|DATA|SUBSCRIPTION|PROBLEM)' line_3_pattern = r'MSG_ID\s\w{1,20}\s?\w{1,8}' if not re.match(line_1_pattern, first_line): raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError('Wrong GSE2.0 header') if not re.match(line_2_pattern, next(self.lines)): raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError('Wrong message type in header') if not re.match(line_3_pattern, next(self.lines)): raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError('Wrong message ID in header')
[docs] def _get_channel(self, station, time): """ Use inventory to retrieve channel and location code. :type station: str :param station: Station code :type time: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` :param time: Only use channel active at given point in time. :rtype: str, :class:`` :return: Network code, channel retrieved. """ if self.inventory is None: return None sub_inventory =, time=time) if len(sub_inventory) == 0: self._warn("Can't find station %s in inventory" % station) return None if len(sub_inventory) > 1: self._warn('Several stations %s have been found with different ' 'network code in inventory' % station) return None network = sub_inventory[0] sta = [cha for sta in network for cha in sta] # Select only vertical channels channels = [cha for cha in sta if cha.code[-1] == 'Z'] if len(channels) == 0: self._warn("Can't find channel for station %s" % station) return network.code, None if len(channels) > 1: # Choose first location code location_codes = [channel.location_code for channel in channels] location_code = sorted(location_codes)[0] channels = [channel for channel in channels if channel.location_code == location_code] codes = [channel.code for channel in channels] code = None if len(codes) == 1: code = codes[0] else: # Choose channel code by priority # HHZ > EHZ > ELZ > BHZ > LHZ > SHZ priority = ['HHZ', 'EHZ', 'ELZ', 'BHZ', 'LHZ', 'SHZ'] code = next((code for code in priority if code in codes), None) if code is None: if len(network) > 1: self._warn('Several stations %s or location code have ' 'been found in inventory' % station) else: self._warn('Several channels have been found for ' 'station %s' % station) return network.code, None channel = next((channel for channel in channels if channel.code == code)) self._warn('Several stations, location codes or channels have ' 'been found, choose %s.%s.%s.%s' % (network.code, station, channel.location_code, channel.code)) return network.code, channel return network.code, channels[0]
[docs] def _parse_event(self, first_line): """ Parse an event. :type first_line: str :param first_line: First line of an event block, which contains the event id. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` :return: The parsed event or None. """ event_id = first_line[5:].strip() # Skip event without id if not event_id: self._warn('Missing event id') return None event = Event() origin, origin_res_id = self._parse_origin(event) # Skip event without origin if not origin: return None line = self._skip_empty_lines() self._parse_region_name(line, event) self._parse_arrivals(event, origin, origin_res_id) # Origin ResourceIdentifier should be set at the end, when # Arrivals are already set. origin.resource_id = origin_res_id event.preferred_origin_id = # Must be done after the origin parsing event.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() public_id = "event/%s" % event_id event.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.scope_resource_ids() return event
[docs] def _parse_origin(self, event): """ Parse an origin. :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` :param event: Event of the origin. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.origin.Origin`, :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` :returns: Parsed origin or None, resource identifier of the origin. """ # Store magnitudes in a list to keep their positions. # Needed for the magnitude errors. magnitudes = [] # Skip 2 lines of header next(self.lines) next(self.lines) line = self._skip_empty_lines() origin, origin_res_id = \ self._parse_first_line_origin(line, event, magnitudes) # If some crucial information can't be parsed, return None if not origin: return None, None line = self._skip_empty_lines() # File from ldg can have author on several lines while re.match(r'\s{105,}\w+\s*', line): fields = self.fields['line_1'] += line[fields['author']].strip() line = self._skip_empty_lines() self._parse_second_line_origin(line, event, origin, magnitudes) # Magnitude resource_id can only be set after that magnitude # errors are set. for i in range(3): magnitude = magnitudes[i] if magnitude is not None: public_id = "magnitude/%s" % i mag_res_id = \ self._get_res_id(public_id, parent_res_id=origin_res_id) magnitude.resource_id = mag_res_id if event.preferred_magnitude_id is None: event.preferred_magnitude_id = return origin, origin_res_id
[docs] def _parse_first_line_origin(self, line, event, magnitudes): """ Parse the first line of origin data. :type line: str :param line: Line to parse. :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` :param event: Event of the origin. :type magnitudes: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.magnitude.Magnitude` :param magnitudes: Store magnitudes in a list to keep their positions. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.origin.Origin`, :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` :returns: Parsed origin or None, resource identifier of the origin. """ magnitude_types = [] magnitude_values = [] magnitude_station_counts = [] fields = self.fields['line_1'] time_origin = line[fields['time']].strip() time_fixed_flag = line[fields['time_fixf']].strip() latitude = line[fields['lat']].strip() longitude = line[fields['lon']].strip() epicenter_fixed_flag = line[fields['epicenter_fixf']].strip() depth = line[fields['depth']].strip() depth_fixed_flag = line[fields['depth_fixf']].strip() phase_count = line[fields['n_def']].strip() station_count = line[fields['n_sta']].strip() azimuthal_gap = line[fields['gap']].strip() magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_1']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_1']].strip()) magnitude_station_counts.append(line[fields['mag_n_sta_1']].strip()) magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_2']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_2']].strip()) magnitude_station_counts.append(line[fields['mag_n_sta_2']].strip()) magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_3']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_3']].strip()) magnitude_station_counts.append(line[fields['mag_n_sta_3']].strip()) author = line[fields['author']].strip() origin_id = line[fields['id']].strip() origin = Origin() origin.quality = OriginQuality() try: origin.time = UTCDateTime(time_origin.replace('/', '-')) origin.latitude = float(latitude) origin.longitude = float(longitude) except (TypeError, ValueError): self._warn('Missing origin data, skipping event') return None, None origin.time_fixed = time_fixed_flag.lower() == 'f' origin.epicenter_fixed = epicenter_fixed_flag.lower() == 'f' try: # Convert value from km to m origin.depth = float(depth) * 1000 except ValueError: pass try: origin.depth_type = DEPTH_TYPES[depth_fixed_flag] except KeyError: origin.depth_type = OriginDepthType('from location') try: origin.quality.used_phase_count = int(phase_count) origin.quality.associated_phase_count = int(phase_count) except ValueError: pass try: origin.quality.used_station_count = int(station_count) origin.quality.associated_station_count = int(station_count) except ValueError: pass try: origin.quality.azimuthal_gap = float(azimuthal_gap) except ValueError: pass = author origin.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() public_id = "origin/%s" % origin_id origin_res_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) for i in range(3): try: magnitude = Magnitude() magnitude.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() magnitude.magnitude_type = magnitude_types[i] magnitude.mag = float(magnitude_values[i]) magnitude.station_count = int(magnitude_station_counts[i]) magnitude.origin_id = origin_res_id magnitudes.append(magnitude) event.magnitudes.append(magnitude) except ValueError: # Magnitude can be empty but we need to keep the # position between mag1, mag2 or mag3. magnitudes.append(None) return origin, origin_res_id
[docs] def _find_magnitude_by_type(self, event, origin_res_id, magnitude_type): for mag in event.magnitudes: if mag.origin_id == origin_res_id \ and mag.magnitude_type == magnitude_type: return mag
[docs] def _parse_second_line_origin(self, line, event, origin, magnitudes): magnitude_errors = [] fields = self.fields['line_2'] standard_error = line[fields['rms']].strip() time_uncertainty = line[fields['ot_error']].strip() max_horizontal_uncertainty = line[fields['s_major']].strip() min_horizontal_uncertainty = line[fields['s_minor']].strip() azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = line[fields['az']].strip() depth_uncertainty = line[fields['depth_err']].strip() min_distance = line[fields['min_dist']].strip() max_distance = line[fields['max_dist']].strip() magnitude_errors.append(line[fields['mag_err_1']].strip()) magnitude_errors.append(line[fields['mag_err_2']].strip()) magnitude_errors.append(line[fields['mag_err_3']].strip()) analysis_type = line[fields['antype']].strip().lower() location_method = line[fields['loctype']].strip().lower() event_type = line[fields['evtype']].strip().lower() try: origin.quality.standard_error = float(standard_error) except ValueError: pass try: origin.time_errors.uncertainty = float(time_uncertainty) except ValueError: pass try: uncertainty = OriginUncertainty() # Convert values from km to m min_value = float(min_horizontal_uncertainty) * 1000 max_value = float(max_horizontal_uncertainty) * 1000 azimuth_value = float(azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty) description = OriginUncertaintyDescription('uncertainty ellipse') uncertainty.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_value uncertainty.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_value uncertainty.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = azimuth_value uncertainty.preferred_description = description origin.origin_uncertainty = uncertainty except ValueError: pass try: # Convert value from km to m origin.depth_errors.uncertainty = float(depth_uncertainty) * 1000 except ValueError: pass try: origin.quality.minimum_distance = float(min_distance) origin.quality.maximum_distance = float(max_distance) except ValueError: self._warn('Missing minimum/maximum distance') for i in range(2): try: mag_errors = magnitudes[i].mag_errors mag_errors.uncertainty = float(magnitude_errors[i]) except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass # No match for 'g' (guess) # We map 'g' to 'manual' and create a comment for origin try: origin.evaluation_mode = EVALUATION_MODES[analysis_type] if analysis_type == 'g': # comment: 'GSE2.0:antype=g' text = 'GSE2.0:antype=g' comment = self._comment(text) origin.comments.append(comment) except KeyError: self._warn('Wrong analysis type') if location_method not in LOCATION_METHODS.keys(): location_method = 'o' method = LOCATION_METHODS[location_method] method_id = "method/%s" % method origin.method_id = self._get_res_id(method_id) if event_type not in EVENT_TYPES.keys(): event_type = 'uk' self._warn('Wrong or unknown event type') event_data = EVENT_TYPES[event_type] event.event_type_certainty, event.event_type = event_data # comment: 'GSE2.0:evtype=<evtype>' if event_type: text = 'GSE2.0:evtype=%s' % event_type comment = self._comment(text) event.comments.append(comment)
[docs] def _parse_region_name(self, line, event): event_description = EventDescription() event_description.text = line.strip() event_description.type = EventDescriptionType('region name') event.event_descriptions.append(event_description)
[docs] def _parse_arrivals(self, event, origin, origin_res_id): # Skip header of arrivals next(self.lines) # Stop the loop after 2 empty lines (according to the standard). previous_line_empty = False for line in self.lines: line_empty = not line or line.isspace() if not self.event_point_separator: # Event are separated by two empty lines if line_empty and previous_line_empty: break else: # Event are separated by '.' if line.startswith('.'): break previous_line_empty = line_empty if line_empty: # Skip empty lines when the loop should be stopped by # point continue magnitude_types = [] magnitude_values = [] fields = self.fields['arrival'] station = line[fields['sta']].strip() distance = line[fields['dist']].strip() event_azimuth = line[fields['ev_az']].strip() evaluation_mode = line[fields['picktype']].strip() direction = line[fields['direction']].strip() onset = line[fields['detchar']].strip() phase = line[fields['phase']].strip() time = line[fields['time']].strip().replace('/', '-') time_residual = line[fields['t_res']].strip() arrival_azimuth = line[fields['azim']].strip() azimuth_residual = line[fields['az_res']].strip() slowness = line[fields['slow']].strip() slowness_residual = line[fields['s_res']].strip() time_defining_flag = line[fields['t_def']].strip() azimuth_defining_flag = line[fields['a_def']].strip() slowness_defining_flag = line[fields['s_def']].strip() snr = line[fields['snr']].strip() amplitude_value = line[fields['amp']].strip() period = line[fields['per']].strip() magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_1']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_1']].strip()) magnitude_types.append(line[fields['mag_type_2']].strip()) magnitude_values.append(line[fields['mag_2']].strip()) line_id = line[fields['id']].strip() # Don't take pick and arrival with wrong time residual if '*' in time_residual: continue try: pick = Pick() pick.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() pick.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID() pick.waveform_id.station_code = station pick.time = UTCDateTime(time) network_code = self.default_network_code location_code = self.default_location_code channel_code = self.default_channel_code try: network_code, channel = self._get_channel(station, pick.time) if channel: channel_code = channel.code location_code = channel.location_code except TypeError: pass pick.waveform_id.network_code = network_code pick.waveform_id.channel_code = channel_code if location_code: pick.waveform_id.location_code = location_code try: ev_mode = EVALUATION_MODES[evaluation_mode] pick.evaluation_mode = ev_mode except KeyError: pass try: pick.polarity = PICK_POLARITIES[direction] except KeyError: pass try: pick.onset = PICK_ONSETS[onset] except KeyError: pass pick.phase_hint = phase try: pick.backazimuth = float(arrival_azimuth) except ValueError: pass try: pick.horizontal_slowness = float(slowness) except ValueError: pass public_id = "pick/%s" % line_id pick.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.picks.append(pick) except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): # Can't parse pick, skip arrival and amplitude parsing continue arrival = Arrival() arrival.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() try: arrival.pick_id = except AttributeError: pass arrival.phase = phase try: arrival.azimuth = float(event_azimuth) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.distance = float(distance) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.time_residual = float(time_residual) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.backazimuth_residual = float(azimuth_residual) except ValueError: pass try: arrival.horizontal_slowness_residual = float(slowness_residual) except ValueError: pass if time_defining_flag == 'T': arrival.time_weight = 1 if azimuth_defining_flag == 'A': arrival.backazimuth_weight = 1 if slowness_defining_flag == 'S': arrival.horizontal_slowness_weight = 1 public_id = "arrival/%s" % line_id arrival.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id, parent_res_id=origin_res_id) origin.arrivals.append(arrival) try: amplitude = Amplitude() amplitude.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() amplitude.generic_amplitude = float(amplitude_value) try: amplitude.pick_id = pick.resource_id amplitude.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id except AttributeError: pass try: amplitude.period = float(period) except ValueError: pass try: amplitude.snr = float(snr) except ValueError: pass for i in [0, 1]: if magnitude_types[i] and not magnitude_types[i].isspace(): amplitude.magnitude_hint = magnitude_types[i] public_id = "amplitude/%s" % line_id amplitude.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.amplitudes.append(amplitude) for i in [0, 1]: sta_mag = StationMagnitude() sta_mag.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() sta_mag.origin_id = origin_res_id sta_mag.amplitude_id = amplitude.resource_id sta_mag.station_magnitude_type = magnitude_types[i] try: sta_mag.mag = magnitude_values[i] except ValueError: continue sta_mag.waveform_id = pick.waveform_id public_id = "magnitude/station/%s/%s" % (line_id, i) sta_mag.resource_id = self._get_res_id(public_id) event.station_magnitudes.append(sta_mag) # Associate station mag with network mag of same type mag = self._find_magnitude_by_type(event, origin_res_id, magnitude_types[i]) if mag: contrib = StationMagnitudeContribution() contrib.station_magnitude_id = sta_mag.resource_id contrib.weight = 1.0 mag.station_magnitude_contributions.append(contrib) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def _deserialize(self): catalog = Catalog() catalog.description = 'Created from GSE2 format' catalog.creation_info = self._get_creation_info() # Flag used to ignore line which aren't in a BEGIN-STOP block begin_block = False # Flag used to ignore line which aren't in a BULLETIN block bulletin_block = False try: for line in self.lines: if line.startswith('BEGIN'): if begin_block: # 2 BEGIN without STOP message = self._add_line_nb('Missing STOP tag') raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message) else: # Enter a BEGIN block begin_block = True self._check_header(line) elif line.startswith('STOP'): if begin_block: # Exit a BEGIN-STOP block begin_block = False else: # STOP without BEGIN message = self._add_line_nb('Missing BEGIN tag') raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message) elif line.startswith('DATA_TYPE'): bulletin_block = line[10:18] == 'BULLETIN' if not begin_block or not bulletin_block: # Not in a BEGIN-STOP block, nor a DATA_TYPE BULLETIN # block. continue # If a "Reviewed Event Bulletin" or "Reviewed Bulletin" # line exists, put it in comment if 'Reviewed Event Bulletin' in line \ or 'Reviewed Bulletin' in line: comment = self._comment(line.strip()) if comment.text: catalog.comments.append(comment) # Detect start of an event elif line.startswith('EVENT'): event = self._parse_event(line) if event: catalog.append(event) except StopIteration: message = self._add_line_nb('Unexpected EOF while parsing') raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message) except Exception: self._warn('Unexpected error') raise if begin_block: # BEGIN-STOP block not closed text = 'Unexpected EOF while parsing, BEGIN-STOP block not closed' message = self._add_line_nb(text) raise GSE2BulletinSyntaxError(message) catalog.resource_id = self._get_res_id('event/evid') return catalog
[docs] def _read_gse2(filename, inventory=None, default_network_code='XX', default_location_code=None, default_channel_code=None, res_id_prefix='smi:local', fields=None, event_point_separator=False, agency=None): """ Read a GSE2.0 bulletin file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object. .. warning:: This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this instead. :type filename: str :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode. :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code and channel code of stations. :type default_network_code: str :param default_network_code: Default network code used if stations are not found in the inventory. :type default_location_code: str :param default_location_code: Location code used if stations are not found in the inventory. :type default_channel_code: str :param default_channel_code: Default channel code used if stations are not found in the inventory. :type res_id_prefix: str :param res_id_prefix: Prefix used in :class:`~obspy.core.event.resourceid.ResourceIdentifier` attributes. :type fields: dict :param fields: dictionary of positions of input fields, used if input file is non-standard :type event_point_separator: bool :param event_point_separator: ``True`` if events are separated by point rather than 2 empty lines. :type agency: str :param agency: Agency that generated the file. :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :return: An ObsPy Catalog object. .. rubric:: Example >>> from obspy import read_events >>> default_fields = { ... 'line_1': { ... 'time': slice(0, 21), ... 'time_fixf': slice(22, 23), ... 'lat': slice(25, 33), ... 'lon': slice(34, 43), ... 'epicenter_fixf': slice(44, 45), ... 'depth': slice(47, 52), ... 'depth_fixf': slice(53, 54), ... 'n_def': slice(56, 60), ... 'n_sta': slice(61, 65), ... 'gap': slice(66, 69), ... 'mag_type_1': slice(71, 73), ... 'mag_1': slice(73, 77), ... 'mag_n_sta_1': slice(78, 80), ... 'mag_type_2': slice(82, 84), ... 'mag_2': slice(84, 88), ... 'mag_n_sta_2': slice(89, 91), ... 'mag_type_3': slice(93, 95), ... 'mag_3': slice(95, 99), ... 'mag_n_sta_3': slice(100, 102), ... 'author': slice(104, 112), ... 'id': slice(114, 122), ... }, ... 'line_2': { ... 'rms': slice(5, 10), ... 'ot_error': slice(15, 21), ... 's_major': slice(25, 31), ... 's_minor': slice(32, 38), ... 'az': slice(40, 43), ... 'depth_err': slice(49, 54), ... 'min_dist': slice(56, 62), ... 'max_dist': slice(63, 69), ... 'mag_err_1': slice(74, 77), ... 'mag_err_2': slice(85, 88), ... 'mag_err_3': slice(96, 99), ... 'antype': slice(104, 105), ... 'loctype': slice(106, 107), ... 'evtype': slice(108, 110), ... }, ... 'arrival': { ... 'sta': slice(0, 5), ... 'dist': slice(6, 12), ... 'ev_az': slice(13, 18), ... 'picktype': slice(19, 20), ... 'direction': slice(20, 21), ... 'detchar': slice(21, 22), ... 'phase': slice(23, 30), ... 'time': slice(31, 52), ... 't_res': slice(53, 58), ... 'azim': slice(59, 64), ... 'az_res': slice(65, 71), ... 'slow': slice(72, 77), ... 's_res': slice(78, 83), ... 't_def': slice(84, 85), ... 'a_def': slice(85, 86), ... 's_def': slice(86, 87), ... 'snr': slice(88, 93), ... 'amp': slice(94, 103), ... 'per': slice(104, 109), ... 'mag_type_1': slice(110, 112), ... 'mag_1': slice(112, 116), ... 'mag_type_2': slice(117, 119), ... 'mag_2': slice(119, 123), ... 'id': slice(124, 132), ... }, ... } >>> # Only non-standard field indexes are required >>> fields = { ... 'line_1': { ... 'author': slice(105, 113), ... 'id': slice(114, 123), ... }, ... 'line_2': { ... 'az': slice(40, 46), ... 'antype': slice(105, 106), ... 'loctype': slice(107, 108), ... 'evtype': slice(109, 111), ... }, ... 'arrival': { ... 'amp': slice(94, 104), ... }, ... } >>> catalog = read_events('/path/to/bulletin/gse_2.0_non_standard.txt', ... default_network_code='FR', res_id_prefix='quakeml:abc', ... fields=fields, event_point_separator=True) >>> print(catalog) 2 Event(s) in Catalog: 1995-01-16T07:26:52.400000Z | +39.450, +20.440 | 3.6 mb | manual 1995-01-16T07:27:07.300000Z | +50.772, -129.760 | 1.2 Ml | manual """ return Unpickler(inventory, default_network_code, default_location_code, default_channel_code, res_id_prefix, fields, event_point_separator, agency).load(filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)