Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) output support in ObsPy

    The ObsPy Development Team (
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
from math import log

from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement, tostring
from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.event import Catalog
from obspy.core.inventory.inventory import Inventory

[docs] def inventory_to_kml_string( inventory, icon_url="", icon_size=1.5, label_size=1.0, cmap="Paired", encoding="UTF-8", timespans=True, strip_far_future_end_times=True): """ Convert an :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` to a KML string representation. :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` :param inventory: Input station metadata. :type icon_url: str :param icon_url: Internet URL of icon to use for station (e.g. PNG image). :type icon_size: float :param icon_size: Icon size. :type label_size: float :param label_size: Label size. :type encoding: str :param encoding: Encoding used for XML string. :type timespans: bool :param timespans: Whether to add timespan information to the single station elements in the KML or not. If timespans are used, the displayed information in e.g. Google Earth will represent a snapshot in time, such that using the time slider different states of the inventory in time can be visualized. If timespans are not used, any station active at any point in time is always shown. :type strip_far_future_end_times: bool :param strip_far_future_end_times: Leave out likely fictitious end times of stations (more than twenty years after current time). Far future end times may produce time sliders with bad overall time span in third party applications viewing the KML file. :rtype: bytes :return: Encoded byte string containing KML information of the station metadata. """ twenty_years_from_now = UTCDateTime() + 3600 * 24 * 365 * 20 # construct the KML file kml = Element("kml") kml.set("xmlns", "") document = SubElement(kml, "Document") SubElement(document, "name").text = "Inventory" # style definition cmap = get_cmap(name=cmap, lut=len(inventory.networks)) for i in range(len(inventory.networks)): color = _rgba_tuple_to_kml_color_code(cmap(i)) style = SubElement(document, "Style") style.set("id", "station_%i" % i) iconstyle = SubElement(style, "IconStyle") SubElement(iconstyle, "color").text = color SubElement(iconstyle, "scale").text = str(icon_size) icon = SubElement(iconstyle, "Icon") SubElement(icon, "href").text = icon_url hotspot = SubElement(iconstyle, "hotSpot") hotspot.set("x", "0.5") hotspot.set("y", "0.5") hotspot.set("xunits", "fraction") hotspot.set("yunits", "fraction") labelstyle = SubElement(style, "LabelStyle") SubElement(labelstyle, "color").text = color SubElement(labelstyle, "scale").text = str(label_size) for i, net in enumerate(inventory): folder = SubElement(document, "Folder") SubElement(folder, "name").text = str(net.code) SubElement(folder, "open").text = "1" SubElement(folder, "description").text = str(net) style = SubElement(folder, "Style") liststyle = SubElement(style, "ListStyle") SubElement(liststyle, "listItemType").text = "check" SubElement(liststyle, "bgColor").text = "00ffff" SubElement(liststyle, "maxSnippetLines").text = "5" # add one marker per station code for sta in net: placemark = SubElement(folder, "Placemark") SubElement(placemark, "name").text = ".".join((net.code, sta.code)) SubElement(placemark, "styleUrl").text = "#station_%i" % i SubElement(placemark, "color").text = color if sta.longitude is not None and sta.latitude is not None: point = SubElement(placemark, "Point") SubElement(point, "coordinates").text = "%.6f,%.6f,0" % \ (sta.longitude, sta.latitude) SubElement(placemark, "description").text = str(sta) if timespans: start = sta.start_date end = sta.end_date if start is not None or end is not None: timespan = SubElement(placemark, "TimeSpan") if start is not None: SubElement(timespan, "begin").text = str(start) if end is not None: if not strip_far_future_end_times or \ end < twenty_years_from_now: SubElement(timespan, "end").text = str(end) if timespans: start = net.start_date end = net.end_date if start is not None or end is not None: timespan = SubElement(folder, "TimeSpan") if start is not None: SubElement(timespan, "begin").text = str(start) if end is not None: if not strip_far_future_end_times or \ end < twenty_years_from_now: SubElement(timespan, "end").text = str(end) # generate and return KML string return tostring(kml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def catalog_to_kml_string( catalog, icon_url="", label_func=None, icon_size_func=None, encoding="UTF-8", timestamps=True): """ Convert a :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` to a KML string representation. :type catalog: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` :param catalog: Input catalog data. :type icon_url: str :param icon_url: Internet URL of icon to use for events (e.g. PNG image). :type label_func: func :type label_func: Custom function to use for determining each event's label. User provided function is supposed to take an :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` object as single argument, e.g. for empty labels use `label_func=lambda x: ""`. :type icon_size_func: func :type icon_size_func: Custom function to use for determining each event's icon size. User provided function should take an :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event` object as single argument and return a float. :type encoding: str :param encoding: Encoding used for XML string. :type timestamps: bool :param timestamps: Whether to add timestamp information to the event elements in the KML or not. If timestamps are used, the displayed information in e.g. Google Earth will represent a snapshot in time, such that using the time slider different states of the catalog in time can be visualized. If timespans are not used, any event happening at any point in time is always shown. :rtype: bytes :return: Encoded byte string containing KML information of the event metadata. """ # default label and size functions if not label_func: def label_func(event): origin = (event.preferred_origin() or and[0] or None) mag = (event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes and event.magnitudes[0] or None) label = origin.time and str( or "" if mag: label += " %.1f" % mag.mag return label if not icon_size_func: def icon_size_func(event): mag = (event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes and event.magnitudes[0] or None) if mag: try: icon_size = 1.2 * log(1.5 + mag.mag) except ValueError: icon_size = 0.1 else: icon_size = 0.5 return icon_size # construct the KML file kml = Element("kml") kml.set("xmlns", "") document = SubElement(kml, "Document") SubElement(document, "name").text = "Catalog" # style definitions for earthquakes style = SubElement(document, "Style") style.set("id", "earthquake") iconstyle = SubElement(style, "IconStyle") SubElement(iconstyle, "scale").text = "0.5" icon = SubElement(iconstyle, "Icon") SubElement(icon, "href").text = icon_url hotspot = SubElement(iconstyle, "hotSpot") hotspot.set("x", "0.5") hotspot.set("y", "0.5") hotspot.set("xunits", "fraction") hotspot.set("yunits", "fraction") labelstyle = SubElement(style, "LabelStyle") SubElement(labelstyle, "color").text = "ff0000ff" SubElement(labelstyle, "scale").text = "0.8" folder = SubElement(document, "Folder") SubElement(folder, "name").text = "Catalog" SubElement(folder, "open").text = "1" SubElement(folder, "description").text = str(catalog) style = SubElement(folder, "Style") liststyle = SubElement(style, "ListStyle") SubElement(liststyle, "listItemType").text = "check" SubElement(liststyle, "bgColor").text = "00ffffff" SubElement(liststyle, "maxSnippetLines").text = "5" # add one marker per event for event in catalog: origin = (event.preferred_origin() or and[0] or None) placemark = SubElement(folder, "Placemark") SubElement(placemark, "name").text = label_func(event) SubElement(placemark, "styleUrl").text = "#earthquake" style = SubElement(placemark, "Style") icon_style = SubElement(style, "IconStyle") liststyle = SubElement(style, "ListStyle") SubElement(liststyle, "maxSnippetLines").text = "5" SubElement(icon_style, "scale").text = "%.5f" % icon_size_func(event) if origin: if origin.longitude is not None and origin.latitude is not None: point = SubElement(placemark, "Point") SubElement(point, "coordinates").text = "%.6f,%.6f,0" % \ (origin.longitude, origin.latitude) SubElement(placemark, "description").text = str(event) if timestamps: time = _get_event_timestamp(event) if time is not None: SubElement(placemark, "TimeStamp").text = str(time) # generate and return KML string return tostring(kml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def _write_kml(obj, filename, **kwargs): """ Write :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` or :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object to a KML file. For additional parameters see :meth:`inventory_to_kml_string` and :meth:`catalog_to_kml_string`. :type obj: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` or :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory` :param obj: ObsPy object for KML output :type filename: str :param filename: Filename to write to. Suffix ".kml" will be appended if not already present. """ if isinstance(obj, Catalog): kml_string = catalog_to_kml_string(obj, **kwargs) elif isinstance(obj, Inventory): kml_string = inventory_to_kml_string(obj, **kwargs) else: msg = ("Object for KML output must be " "a Catalog or Inventory.") raise TypeError(msg) if not filename.endswith(".kml"): filename += ".kml" with open(filename, "wb") as fh: fh.write(kml_string)
[docs] def _rgba_tuple_to_kml_color_code(rgba): """ Convert tuple of (red, green, blue, alpha) float values (0.0-1.0) to KML hex color code string "aabbggrr". """ try: r, g, b, a = rgba except Exception: r, g, b = rgba a = 1.0 return "".join(["%02x" % int(x * 255) for x in (a, b, g, r)])
[docs] def _get_event_timestamp(event): """ Get timestamp information for the event. Search is perfomed in the following order: - origin time of preferred origin - origin time of first origin found that has a origin time - minimum of all found pick times - `None` if no time is found in the above search """ origin = event.preferred_origin() if origin is not None and origin.time is not None: return origin.time for origin in if origin.time is not None: return origin.time pick_times = [pick.time for pick in event.picks if pick.time is not None] if pick_times: return min(pick_times) return None
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)