Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs

import numpy as np

from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core.compatibility import from_buffer

[docs] def bcd(_i): return (_i >> 4 & 0xF).astype(np.uint32) * 10 + (_i & 0xF)
[docs] def bcd_16bit_int(_i): _i = bcd(_i) return _i[::, 0] * 100 + _i[::, 1]
[docs] def bcd_hex(_i): m = _i.shape[1] _bcd = codecs.encode(_i.ravel(), "hex_codec").decode("ASCII").upper() return from_buffer(_bcd, dtype="|S%d" % (m * 2))
[docs] def bcd_8bit_hex(_i): return np.array(["{:X}".format(int(x)) for x in _i], dtype="|S2")
[docs] def bcd_julian_day_string_to_nanoseconds_of_year(_i): timestrings = bcd_hex(_i) return _timestrings_to_nanoseconds(timestrings)
_timegm_cache = {}
[docs] def _get_nanoseconds_for_start_of_year(year): # Reftek 130 data format stores only the last two digits of the year. # We currently assume that 00-49 are years 2000-2049 and 50-99 are years # 2050-2099. We deliberately raise an exception in the read routine if the # current year will become 2050 (just in case someone really still uses # this code then.. ;-) if year < 50: year += 2000 else: year += 1900 try: ns = _timegm_cache[year] except KeyError: ns = UTCDateTime(year, 1, 1)._ns _timegm_cache[year] = ns return ns
[docs] def _timestrings_to_nanoseconds(timestrings): """ Helper routine to convert timestrings of form "DDDHHMMSSsss" to array of integer nanosecond POSIX timestamp. :param timestring: numpy.ndarray :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # split up the time string into tuple of # (day of year, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds), still as string nanoseconds = [(string[:3], string[3:5], string[5:7], string[7:9], string[9:]) for string in timestrings] nanoseconds = np.array(nanoseconds, dtype="S3").astype(np.int64) # now scale the columns of the array, so that everything is in nanoseconds to_nano = 1000000000 nanoseconds[:, 0] -= 1 nanoseconds[:, 0] *= 86400 * to_nano nanoseconds[:, 1] *= 3600 * to_nano nanoseconds[:, 2] *= 60 * to_nano nanoseconds[:, 3] *= to_nano nanoseconds[:, 4] *= 1000000 # sum up days, hours, minutes etc. for every row of the array nanoseconds = nanoseconds.sum(axis=1) return nanoseconds
[docs] def _decode_ascii(chars): return chars.decode("ASCII")
[docs] def _parse_long_time(time_bytestring, decode=True): """ :returns: POSIX timestamp as integer nanoseconds """ if decode: time_string = time_bytestring.decode() else: time_string = time_bytestring if not time_string.strip(): return None time_string, milliseconds = time_string[:-3], int(time_string[-3:]) t = UTCDateTime.strptime(time_string, '%Y%j%H%M%S') nanoseconds = t._ns nanoseconds += milliseconds * 1000000 return nanoseconds
[docs] def _16_tuple_ascii(bytestring): item_count = 16 chars = bytestring.decode("ASCII") if len(chars) % item_count != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Should not happen, contact developers.") item_size = int(len(chars) / item_count) result = [] for i in range(item_count): chars_ = chars[i * item_size:(i + 1) * item_size] result.append(chars_.strip() or None) return tuple(result)
[docs] def _16_tuple_int(bytestring): ascii_tuple = _16_tuple_ascii(bytestring) result = [] for chars in ascii_tuple: if chars is None or not chars.strip(): result.append(None) continue result.append(int(chars)) return tuple(result)
[docs] def _16_tuple_float(bytestring): ascii_tuple = _16_tuple_ascii(bytestring) result = [] for chars in ascii_tuple: if chars is None or not chars.strip(): result.append(None) continue result.append(float(chars)) return tuple(result)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(exclude_empty=True)