Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Filename:
#  Purpose: Routines for unpacking SEG Y data formats.
#   Author: Lion Krischer
#    Email:
# Copyright (C) 2010 Lion Krischer
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions that will all take a file pointer and the sample count and return a
NumPy array with the unpacked values.
import sys

import numpy as np

LOG2 = 0.3010299956639812
# Get the system byte order.
BYTEORDER = sys.byteorder
if BYTEORDER == 'little':
    BYTEORDER = '<'
    BYTEORDER = '>'

[docs] class WrongDtypeException(Exception): pass
[docs] def pack_4byte_ibm(file, data, endian='>'): """ Packs 4 byte IBM floating points. This will only work if the host system internally uses little endian byte orders. """ # Check the dtype and raise exception otherwise! if data.dtype != np.float64 and data.dtype != np.float32: raise WrongDtypeException # Calculate the values. The theory is explained in # # Calculate the signs. signs = np.empty(len(data), dtype=np.uint8) temp_signs = np.sign(data) # Negative numbers are encoded as sign bit 1, positive ones as bit 0. signs[temp_signs == 1] = 0 signs[temp_signs == -1] = 128 # Make absolute values. data = np.abs(data) # Store the zeros and add an offset for numerical stability, # they will be set to zero later on again zeros = np.where(data == 0.0) data[zeros] += 1e-32 # Calculate the exponent for the IBM data format. exponent = ((np.log10(data) / LOG2) * 0.25 + 65).astype(np.uint32) # Now calculate the fraction using single precision. fraction = np.require( data, np.float32) / (16.0 ** (np.require(exponent, np.float32) - 64)) # Normalization. while True: # Find numbers smaller than 1/16 but not zero. non_normalized = np.where(np.where(fraction, fraction, 1) < 0.0625)[0] if len(non_normalized) == 0: break fraction[non_normalized] *= 16 exponent[non_normalized] -= 1 # If the fraction is one, change it to 1/16 and increase the exponent by # one. ones = np.where(fraction == 1.0) fraction[ones] = 0.0625 exponent[ones] += 1 # Times 2^24 to be able to get a long. fraction *= 16777216.0 # Convert to unsigned long. fraction = np.require(fraction, np.uint64) # Use 8 bit integers to be able to store every byte separately. new_data = np.zeros(4 * len(data), np.uint8) # The first bit is the sign and the following 7 are the exponent. byte_0 = np.require(signs + exponent, np.uint8) # All following 24 bit are the fraction. byte_1 = np.require(np.right_shift(np.bitwise_and(fraction, 0x00ff0000), 16), np.uint8) byte_2 = np.require(np.right_shift(np.bitwise_and(fraction, 0x0000ff00), 8), np.uint8) byte_3 = np.require(np.bitwise_and(fraction, 0x000000ff), np.uint8) # Depending on the endianness store the data different. # big endian. if endian == '>': new_data[0::4] = byte_0 new_data[1::4] = byte_1 new_data[2::4] = byte_2 new_data[3::4] = byte_3 # little endian> elif endian == '<': new_data[0::4] = byte_3 new_data[1::4] = byte_2 new_data[2::4] = byte_1 new_data[3::4] = byte_0 # Should not happen. else: raise Exception # Write the zeros again. new_data.dtype = np.uint32 new_data[zeros] = 0 # Write to file. file.write(new_data.tobytes())
[docs] def pack_4byte_integer(file, data, endian='>'): """ Packs 4 byte integers. """ # Check the dtype and raise exception otherwise! if data.dtype != np.int32: raise WrongDtypeException # Swap the byte order if necessary. if BYTEORDER != endian: data = data.byteswap() # Write the file. file.write(data.tobytes())
[docs] def pack_2byte_integer(file, data, endian='>'): """ Packs 2 byte integers. """ # Check the dtype and raise exception otherwise! if data.dtype != np.int16: raise WrongDtypeException # Swap the byte order if necessary. if BYTEORDER != endian: data = data.byteswap() # Write the file. file.write(data.tobytes())
[docs] def pack_4byte_fixed_point(file, data, endian='>'): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pack_4byte_ieee(file, data, endian='>'): """ Packs 4 byte IEEE floating points. """ # Check the dtype and raise exception otherwise! if data.dtype != np.float32: raise WrongDtypeException # Swap the byte order if necessary. if BYTEORDER != endian: data = data.byteswap() # Write the file. file.write(data.tobytes())
[docs] def pack_1byte_integer(file, data, endian='>'): raise NotImplementedError