obspy.clients.nrl - Nominal Response Library client for ObsPy

This module contains a client to access the EarthScope/IRIS Library of Nominal Response for Seismic Instruments (NRL). To cite use of the NRL, please see [Templeton2017].


The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)


GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)

Basic Usage


Connecting to NRL hosted online is deprecated. The new NRLv2 will stop providing navigational information in machine readable form in favor of the html navigation, so the existing client for online use will stop working when the original NRLv1 is taken offline (announced for Spring 2023). Please consider using a full downloaded copy of the NRL (v1 or v2, instructions on NRL homepage) providing a local path, e.g. nrl = NRL('./downloads/NRL').

The first step is to initialize a NRL client object. A client object can be initialized either with the base URL of a NRL hosted on a web server or with a local directory path to a downloaded and unpacked NRL zip file. The default is to access the always up-to-date NRL database hosted at EarthScope.

>>> from obspy.clients.nrl import NRL
>>> nrl = NRL()

The sensor and datalogger tree structure can be interactively explored in an interactive Python shell:

>>> print(nrl) 
NRL library at http://ds.iris.edu/NRL/
  Sensors: 24 manufacturers
    'CEA-DASE', 'CME', 'Chaparral Physics', 'Eentec', 'GEObit',
    'GEOsig', 'Generic', 'Geo Space/OYO', 'Geodevice', 'Geotech',
    'Guralp', 'Hyperion', 'IESE', 'Kinemetrics', 'LaHusen', 'Lennartz'
    'Metrozet', 'Nanometrics', 'REF TEK', 'Sercel/Mark Products',
    'Silicon Audio', 'SolGeo', 'Sprengnether (now Eentec)',
  Dataloggers: 15 manufacturers
    'Agecodagis', 'DAQ Systems (NetDAS)', 'Earth Data', 'Eentec',
    'Generic', 'GeoBIT', 'Geodevice', 'Geotech', 'Guralp',
    'Kinemetrics', 'Nanometrics', 'Omnirecs', 'Quanterra', 'REF TEK',
>>> print(nrl.sensors) 
Select the sensor manufacturer (24 items):
  'CEA-DASE', 'CME', 'Chaparral Physics', 'Eentec', 'GEObit', 'GEOsig'
  'Generic', 'Geo Space/OYO', 'Geodevice', 'Geotech', 'Guralp',
  'Hyperion', 'IESE', 'Kinemetrics', 'LaHusen', 'Lennartz', 'Metrozet'
  'Nanometrics', 'REF TEK', 'Sercel/Mark Products', 'Silicon Audio'
  'SolGeo', 'Sprengnether (now Eentec)', 'Streckeisen'
>>> print(nrl.sensors['Streckeisen']) 
Select the Streckeisen sensor model (5 items):
  'STS-1', 'STS-2', 'STS-2.5', 'STS-3', 'STS-5A'
>>> print(nrl.sensors['Streckeisen']['STS-1']) 
Select the corner period mode for this STS-1 (2 items):
  '20 seconds', '360 seconds'
>>> print(nrl.sensors['Streckeisen']['STS-1']['360 seconds']) 
(u'STS-1, 360 s mode, 2400 V/m/s',
 u'http://ds.iris.edu/NRL/sensors/streckeisen/RESP.XX.NS088..BHZ.STS1.360.2400')  # NOQA

Response objects can be extracted by providing the datalogger and sensor keys:

>>> response = nrl.get_response( 
...     sensor_keys=['Streckeisen', 'STS-1', '360 seconds'],
...     datalogger_keys=['REF TEK', 'RT 130 & 130-SMA', '1', '200'])
>>> print(response) 
Channel Response
    From M/S (Velocity in Meters per Second) to COUNTS (Digital Counts)
    Overall Sensitivity: 1.50991e+09 defined at 0.020 Hz
    10 stages:
        Stage 1: PolesZerosResponseStage from M/S to V, gain: 2400
        Stage 2: ResponseStage from V to V, gain: 1
        Stage 3: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from V to COUNTS, gain: 629129
        Stage 4: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
        Stage 5: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
        Stage 6: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
        Stage 7: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
        Stage 8: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
        Stage 9: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1
        Stage 10: CoefficientsTypeResponseStage from COUNTS to COUNTS, gain: 1

Classes & Functions


NRL client base class for accessing the Nominal Response Library.


