obspy.io.mseed3 - miniseed3 read and write support for ObsPy

This module provides read and write support for miniseed3-files as defined by the FDSN (http://docs.fdsn.org/projects/miniseed3/en/latest/).


The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org) & H. P. Crotwell


GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)

The mseed3 implementation in ObsPy uses simplemseed, https://github.com/crotwell/simplemseed


Similar to reading any other waveform data format using read():

>>> from obspy import read
>>> st = read('/path/to/casee_two.ms3', debug_headers=True)
>>> st 
<obspy.core.stream.Stream object at 0x...>
>>> print(st) 
1 Trace(s) in Stream:
CO.CASEE.00.HHZ | 2023-06-17T04:53:50.008392Z - 2023-06-17T04:53:55.498392Z | 100.0 Hz, 550 samples

The format will be determined automatically. Each trace will have a stats attribute containing the essential meta data (station name, channel, location, start time, end time, sampling rate, number of points). Additionally, when reading a mseed3-file it will have one additional attribute, ‘eh’, which contains the miniseed3 extra headers.

>>> print(st[0].stats)  
           network: CO
           station: CASEE
          location: 00
           channel: HHZ
         starttime: 2023-06-17T04:53:50.008392Z
           endtime: 2023-06-17T04:53:55.498392Z
     sampling_rate: 100.0
             delta: 0.01
              npts: 550
             calib: 1.0
           _format: MSEED3
                mseed3: AttribDict({'pubVer': 4, 'eh': AttribDict({'FDSN': AttribDict({'Time': AttribDict({'Quality': 0})})})})
>>> st[0].data 
array([129, 123, 101, 103, 115,..., 136, 140, 143, 137], dtype=int32)


Writing is also straight forward. All changes on the data as well as in stats and stats[‘eh’] are written with the following command to a file:

>>> st.write('tmp.ms3', format='MSEED3') 



MSEED3 bindings to ObsPy core module.