
class Channel(code, location_code, latitude, longitude, elevation, depth, azimuth=None, dip=None, types=None, external_references=None, sample_rate=None, sample_rate_ratio_number_samples=None, sample_rate_ratio_number_seconds=None, storage_format=None, clock_drift_in_seconds_per_sample=None, calibration_units=None, calibration_units_description=None, sensor=None, pre_amplifier=None, data_logger=None, equipments=None, response=None, description=None, comments=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, restricted_status=None, alternate_code=None, historical_code=None, data_availability=None, identifiers=None, water_level=None, source_id=None)[source]

Bases: obspy.core.inventory.util.BaseNode

From the StationXML definition:

Equivalent to SEED blockette 52 and parent element for the related response blockettes.


Public Methods


Returns a deepcopy of the object.


Checks if the item was active at some given point in time (time) and/or if it was active at some point during a certain time range (starttime, endtime).


Show bode plot of the channel's instrument response.

Private Methods


Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.

Channel._repr_pretty_(p, cycle)[source]

Special Methods

Channel.__delattr__(name, /)

Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.

Channel.__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

Channel.__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

Channel.__getattribute__(name, /)

Return getattr(self, name).

Channel.__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.

Channel.__init__(code, location_code, latitude, longitude, elevation, depth, azimuth=None, dip=None, types=None, external_references=None, sample_rate=None, sample_rate_ratio_number_samples=None, sample_rate_ratio_number_seconds=None, storage_format=None, clock_drift_in_seconds_per_sample=None, calibration_units=None, calibration_units_description=None, sensor=None, pre_amplifier=None, data_logger=None, equipments=None, response=None, description=None, comments=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, restricted_status=None, alternate_code=None, historical_code=None, data_availability=None, identifiers=None, water_level=None, source_id=None)[source]
  • code (str) – The SEED channel code for this channel

  • location_code (str) – The SEED location code for this channel

  • latitude (Latitude) – Latitude coordinate of this channel’s sensor.

  • longitude (Longitude) – Longitude coordinate of this channel’s sensor.

  • elevation (float) – Elevation of the sensor.

  • depth (float) – The local depth or overburden of the instrument’s location. For downhole instruments, the depth of the instrument under the surface ground level. For underground vaults, the distance from the instrument to the local ground level above.

  • azimuth (float) – Azimuth of the sensor in degrees from North, clockwise.

  • dip (float) – Dip of the instrument in degrees, down from horizontal.

  • types (list[str]) – The type of data this channel collects. Corresponds to channel flags in SEED blockette 52. The SEED volume producer could use the first letter of an Output value as the SEED channel flag. Possible values: TRIGGERED, CONTINUOUS, HEALTH, GEOPHYSICAL, WEATHER, FLAG, SYNTHESIZED, INPUT, EXPERIMENTAL, MAINTENANCE, BEAM

  • external_references (list of ExternalReference) – URI of any type of external report, such as data quality reports.

  • sample_rate (float) – This is a group of elements that represent sample rate. If this group is included, then SampleRate, which is the sample rate in samples per second, is required. SampleRateRatio, which is expressed as a ratio of number of samples in a number of seconds, is optional. If both are included, SampleRate should be considered more definitive.

  • sample_rate_ratio_number_samples (int) – The sample rate expressed as number of samples in a number of seconds. This is the number of samples.

  • sample_rate_ratio_number_seconds (int) – The sample rate expressed as number of samples in a number of seconds. This is the number of seconds.

  • storage_format – Ignored. Removed with ObsPy version 1.2.0 in accordance with StationXML 1.1

  • clock_drift_in_seconds_per_sample (float) – A tolerance value, measured in seconds per sample, used as a threshold for time error detection in data from the channel.

  • calibration_units (str) – Name of units , e.g. “M/S”, “M”, …

  • calibration_units_description (str) – Description of units, e.g. “Velocity in meters per second”, …

  • sensor (Equipment) – The sensor

  • pre_amplifier (Equipment) – The pre-amplifier

  • data_logger (Equipment) – The data-logger

  • equipments (list of Equipment) – Other station equipment

  • response (Response) – The response of the channel

  • description (str) – A description of the resource

  • comments (list of Comment) – An arbitrary number of comments to the resource

  • start_date (UTCDateTime) – The start date of the resource

  • end_date (UTCDateTime) – The end date of the resource

  • restricted_status (str) – The restriction status

  • alternate_code (str) – A code used for display or association, alternate to the SEED-compliant code.

  • historical_code (str) – A previously used code if different from the current code.

  • data_availability (DataAvailability) – Information about time series availability for the channel.

  • identifiers (list[str], optional) – Persistent identifiers for network/station/channel (schema version >=1.1). URIs are in general composed of a ‘scheme’ and a ‘path’ (optionally with additional components), the two of which separated by a colon.

  • water_level (float, optional) – Elevation of the water surface in meters for underwater sites, where 0 is sea level. (schema version >=1.1)

  • source_id (str, optional) – A data source identifier in URI form (schema version >=1.1). URIs are in general composed of a ‘scheme’ and a ‘path’ (optionally with additional components), the two of which separated by a colon.


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

Channel.__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

Channel.__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.


Helper for pickle.

Channel.__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)

Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).

Channel.__setattr__(name, value, /)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).