
Network.select(station=None, location=None, channel=None, time=None, starttime=None, endtime=None, sampling_rate=None, keep_empty=False, minlatitude=None, maxlatitude=None, minlongitude=None, maxlongitude=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, minradius=None, maxradius=None)[source]

Returns the Network object with only the Stations / Channels that match the given criteria (e.g. all channels with channel="EHZ").


The returned object is based on a shallow copy of the original object. That means that modifying any mutable child elements will also modify the original object (see https://docs.python.org/2/library/copy.html). Use copy() afterwards to make a new copy of the data in memory.


>>> from obspy import read_inventory, UTCDateTime
>>> net = read_inventory()[0]
>>> t = UTCDateTime(2008, 7, 1, 12)
>>> net = net.select(channel="[LB]HZ", time=t)
>>> print(net)  
Network GR (GRSN)
    Station Count: None/None (Selected/Total)
    -- - --
    Access: UNKNOWN
        Stations (2):
            GR.FUR (Fuerstenfeldbruck, Bavaria, GR-Net)
            GR.WET (Wettzell, Bavaria, GR-Net)
        Channels (4):

The station, location and channel selection criteria may also contain UNIX style wildcards (e.g. *, ?, …; see fnmatch()).

  • station (str) – Potentially wildcarded station code. If not given, all station codes will be accepted.

  • location (str) – Potentially wildcarded location code. If not given, all location codes will be accepted.

  • channel (str) – Potentially wildcarded channel code. If not given, all channel codes will be accepted.

  • time (UTCDateTime) – Only include stations/channels active at given point in time.

  • starttime (UTCDateTime) – Only include stations/channels active at or after given point in time (i.e. channels ending before given time will not be shown).

  • endtime (UTCDateTime) – Only include stations/channels active before or at given point in time (i.e. channels starting after given time will not be shown).

  • sampling_rate (float) – Only include channels whose sampling rate matches the given sampling rate, in Hz (within absolute tolerance of 1E-8 Hz and relative tolerance of 1E-5)

  • minlatitude (float) – Only include stations/channels with a latitude larger than the specified minimum.

  • maxlatitude (float) – Only include stations/channels with a latitude smaller than the specified maximum.

  • minlongitude (float) – Only include stations/channels with a longitude larger than the specified minimum.

  • maxlongitude (float) – Only include stations/channels with a longitude smaller than the specified maximum.

  • latitude (float) – Specify the latitude to be used for a radius selection.

  • longitude (float) – Specify the longitude to be used for a radius selection.

  • minradius (float) – Only include stations/channels within the specified minimum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.

  • maxradius (float) – Only include stations/channels within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.

  • keep_empty (bool) – If set to True, stations that match themselves but have no matching child elements (channels) will be included in the result. This flag has no effect for initially empty stations which will always be retained if they are matched by the other parameters.