obspy.clients.fdsn - FDSN web service client for ObsPy

The obspy.clients.fdsn package contains a client to access web servers that implement the FDSN web service definitions.


The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)


GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)

Basic FDSN Client Usage

The first step is always to initialize a client object.

>>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
>>> client = Client("IRIS")

A client object can be initialized either with the base URL of any FDSN web service or with a shortcut name which will be mapped to a FDSN URL. All the example make use of the FDSN web service at IRIS. For a list of other available web service providers, see the __init__() method. The currently available providers are:

>>> from obspy.clients.fdsn.header import URL_MAPPINGS
>>> for key in sorted(URL_MAPPINGS.keys()):
...     print("{0:<11} {1}".format(key,  URL_MAPPINGS[key]))
AUSPASS     http://auspass.edu.au
BGR         http://eida.bgr.de
EMSC        http://www.seismicportal.eu
ETH         http://eida.ethz.ch
GEOFON      http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de
GEONET      http://service.geonet.org.nz
GFZ         http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de
ICGC        http://ws.icgc.cat
IESDMC      http://batsws.earth.sinica.edu.tw
INGV        http://webservices.ingv.it
IPGP        http://ws.ipgp.fr
IRIS        http://service.iris.edu
IRISPH5     http://service.iris.edu
ISC         http://isc-mirror.iris.washington.edu
KNMI        http://rdsa.knmi.nl
KOERI       http://eida.koeri.boun.edu.tr
LMU         http://erde.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
NCEDC       http://service.ncedc.org
NIEP        http://eida-sc3.infp.ro
NOA         http://eida.gein.noa.gr
ODC         http://www.orfeus-eu.org
ORFEUS      http://www.orfeus-eu.org
RASPISHAKE  https://fdsnws.raspberryshakedata.com
RESIF       http://ws.resif.fr
RESIFPH5    http://ph5ws.resif.fr
SCEDC       http://service.scedc.caltech.edu
TEXNET      http://rtserve.beg.utexas.edu
UIB-NORSAR  http://eida.geo.uib.no
USGS        http://earthquake.usgs.gov
USP         http://sismo.iag.usp.br
  1. get_waveforms(): The following example illustrates how to request and plot 60 minutes of the "LHZ" channel of station Albuquerque, New Mexico ("ANMO") of the Global Seismograph Network ("IU") for an seismic event around 2010-02-27 06:45 (UTC). Results are returned as a Stream object. See the get_waveforms_bulk() method for information on how to send multiple requests simultaneously to avoid unnecessary network overhead.

    >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime
    >>> t = UTCDateTime("2010-02-27T06:45:00.000")
    >>> st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "ANMO", "00", "LHZ", t, t + 60 * 60)
    >>> st.plot()  

    (Source code)

  2. get_events(): Retrieves event data from the server. Results are returned as a Catalog object.

    >>> starttime = UTCDateTime("2002-01-01")
    >>> endtime = UTCDateTime("2002-01-02")
    >>> cat = client.get_events(starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime,
    ...                         minmagnitude=6, catalog="ISC")
    >>> print(cat)  
    2 Event(s) in Catalog:
    2002-01-01T11:29:22.720000Z |  +6.282, +125.749 | 6.3 MW
    2002-01-01T07:28:57.480000Z | +36.991,  +72.336 | 6.3 Mb
    >>> cat.plot()  

    (Source code, png)

  3. get_stations(): Retrieves station data from the server. Results are returned as an Inventory object.

    >>> inventory = client.get_stations(network="IU", station="A*",
    ...                                 starttime=starttime,
    ...                                 endtime=endtime)
    >>> print(inventory)  
    Inventory created at ...
        Created by: IRIS WEB SERVICE: fdsnws-station | version: ...
        Sending institution: IRIS-DMC (IRIS-DMC)
                Networks (1):
                Stations (3):
                        IU.ADK (Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska)
                        IU.AFI (Afiamalu, Samoa)
                        IU.ANMO (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
                Channels (0):
    >>> inventory.plot()  

    (Source code, png)


Basic Routing Clients Usage

Routers are web services that can be queried for which data centers offer certain pieces of data. That information can then be used to get the actual data from various data center across the globe. All current routing services only support the dataselect and the station FDSNWS services.

ObsPy has support for two routing services:

  1. The IRIS Federator.

  2. The EIDAWS Routing Service.

To use them, call the RoutingClient() function:

>>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import RoutingClient

Get an instance of a routing client using the IRIS Federator:

>>> client = RoutingClient("iris-federator")
>>> print(type(client))  
<class '...fdsn.routing.federator_routing_client.FederatorRoutingClient'>

Or get an instance of a routing client using the EIDAWS routing web service:

>>> client = RoutingClient("eida-routing")
>>> print(type(client))  
<class '...fdsn.routing.eidaws_routing_client.EIDAWSRoutingClient'>

They can be used like the normal FDSNWS clients, meaning the get_(waveforms|stations)(_bulk)() functions should work as expected.

To be able to do geographic waveform queries with the EIDA service, ObsPy will internally perform a station query before downloading the waveforms. This results in a similar usage between the EIDA and IRIS routing services from a user’s perspective.

The following snippet will call the IRIS federator to figure out who has waveform data for that particular query and subsequently call the individual data centers to actually get the data. This happens fully automatically - please note that the clients also supports non-standard waveform query parameters like geographical constraints.

>>> from obspy import UTCDateTime
>>> client = RoutingClient("iris-federator")
>>> st = client.get_waveforms(
...     channel="LHZ", starttime=UTCDateTime(2017, 1, 1),
...     endtime=UTCDateTime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 5), latitude=10,
...     longitude=10, maxradius=25)  
>>> print(st)  
2 Trace(s) in Stream:
II.MBAR.00.LHZ | 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z - ... | 1.0 Hz, 300 samples
II.MBAR.10.LHZ | 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z - ... | 1.0 Hz, 300 samples

The same works for stations:

>>> client = RoutingClient("iris-federator")
>>> inv = client.get_stations(
...     channel="LHZ", starttime=UTCDateTime(2017, 1, 1),
...     endtime=UTCDateTime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 5), latitude=10,
...     level="channel", longitude=10, maxradius=25)  
>>> print(inv)  
Inventory created at 2017-10-09T14:26:28.466161Z
    Created by: ObsPy 1.0.3.post0+1706.gef068de324.dirty
    Sending institution: IRIS-DMC,ObsPy ..., SeisComP3 (GFZ,IPGP, IRIS-DMC)
        Networks (6):
            AF, G, II, IU, TT, YY
        Stations (10):
            AF.EKNA (Ekona, Cameroon)
            AF.KIG (Kigali, Rwanda)
            G.TAM (Tamanrasset, Algeria)
            II.MBAR (Mbarara, Uganda)
            IU.KOWA (Kowa, Mali)
            TT.TATN (Station Tataouine, Tunisia)
            YY.GIDA (Health Center, Gidami, Ethiopia)
            YY.GUBA (Police Station, Guba, Ethiopia)
            YY.MEND (High School, Mendi, Ethiopia)
            YY.SHER (Police Station, Sherkole, Ethiopia)
        Channels (11):
            AF.EKNA..LHZ, AF.KIG..LHZ, G.TAM.00.LHZ, II.MBAR.00.LHZ,
            II.MBAR.10.LHZ, IU.KOWA.00.LHZ, TT.TATN.00.LHZ, YY.GIDA..LHZ,

Please see the documentation for each method for further information and examples.

Classes & Functions


FDSN Web service request client.


Helper function to get the correct routing instance.


Helper object with an equality comparision method simply comparing all slotted attributes.



FDSN Web service client for ObsPy.


obspy.clients.fdsn.routing - Routing services for FDSN web services


Base class for all FDSN routers.



Routing client for the EIDAWS routing service.


Routing client for the EIDAWS routing service.


Routing client for the IRIS federator routing service.



Mass Downloader for FDSN Compliant Web Services


Domain definitions for the download helpers.


Class facilitating data acquisition across all FDSN web service implementations.


Non-geographical restrictions and constraints for the mass downloader.


Helpers for the mass downloader.