obspy.io.cmtsolution - CMTSOLUTION file format support for ObsPy

This module provides read/write support for the CMTSOLUTION files used by many waveform solvers.


The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)


GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)


It works by utilizing ObsPy’s read_events() function.

>>> import obspy
>>> cat = obspy.read_events("/path/to/CMTSOLUTION")
>>> print(cat)
1 Event(s) in Catalog:
2003-12-26T01:56:58.130000Z | +29.100,  +58.240 | 6.54 mw

The event will contain a couple of origins and magnitudes.

>>> print(cat[0])  
Event:     2003-12-26T01:56:58.130000Z | +29.100,  +58.240 | 6.54 mw

                     resource_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="...")
                      event_type: 'earthquake'
             preferred_origin_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="...")
          preferred_magnitude_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="...")
    preferred_focal_mechanism_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="...")
              event_descriptions: 1 Elements
                        comments: 1 Elements
                focal_mechanisms: 1 Elements
                         origins: 2 Elements
                      magnitudes: 3 Elements

This module also offers write support for the CMTSOLUTION format.

>>> cat.write("output/CMTSOLUTION")  



CMTSOLUTION file format support for ObsPy.