- class NoRedirectionHandler[source]
Handler that does not direct!
Public Methods
Copied and modified from the standard library. |
Special Methods
- NoRedirectionHandler.__delattr__(name, /)
Implement delattr(self, name).
- NoRedirectionHandler.__dir__()
Default dir() implementation.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__eq__(value, /)
Return self==value.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__format__(format_spec, /)
Default object formatter.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__ge__(value, /)
Return self>=value.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__getattribute__(name, /)
Return getattr(self, name).
- NoRedirectionHandler.__gt__(value, /)
Return self>value.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__hash__()
Return hash(self).
- NoRedirectionHandler.__init__()
- NoRedirectionHandler.__init_subclass__()
This method is called when a class is subclassed.
The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__le__(value, /)
Return self<=value.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__lt__(other)
- NoRedirectionHandler.__ne__(value, /)
Return self!=value.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__new__(**kwargs)
- NoRedirectionHandler.__reduce__()
Helper for pickle.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)
Helper for pickle.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__repr__()
Return repr(self).
- NoRedirectionHandler.__setattr__(name, value, /)
Implement setattr(self, name, value).
- NoRedirectionHandler.__sizeof__()
Size of object in memory, in bytes.
- NoRedirectionHandler.__str__()
Return str(self).
- NoRedirectionHandler.__subclasshook__()
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).