- class Indexer(root_path, database='timeseries.sqlite', index_cmd='mseedindex', bulk_params=None, filename_pattern='*', parallel=5, leap_seconds_file=None, loglevel=None)[source]
Build an index for miniSEED data using EarthScope’s mseedindex program. Recursively search for files matching
starting fromroot_path
and runindex_cmd
for each target file found that is not already in the index. After all new files are indexed a summary table is generated with the extents of each timeseries.
Public Methods
Create a list of absolute paths to all files under |
Execute the file discovery and indexing. |
Private Methods
Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.
- Indexer._get_rootpath_files(relative_paths=False)[source]
Return a list of absolute paths to files under the rootpath that match the Indexers filename pattern
- Indexer._is_index_cmd_installed()[source]
Checks if the index command (e.g. mseedindex) is installed.
- Return type:
- Returns:
if theindex_cmd
is installed.
- classmethod Indexer._run_index_command(index_cmd, root_path, file_name, bulk_params)[source]
Execute a command to perform indexing.
Special Methods
- Indexer.__delattr__(name, /)
Implement delattr(self, name).
- Indexer.__dir__()
Default dir() implementation.
- Indexer.__eq__(value, /)
Return self==value.
- Indexer.__format__(format_spec, /)
Default object formatter.
- Indexer.__ge__(value, /)
Return self>=value.
- Indexer.__getattribute__(name, /)
Return getattr(self, name).
- Indexer.__gt__(value, /)
Return self>value.
- Indexer.__hash__()
Return hash(self).
- Indexer.__init__(root_path, database='timeseries.sqlite', index_cmd='mseedindex', bulk_params=None, filename_pattern='*', parallel=5, leap_seconds_file=None, loglevel=None)[source]
Initializes the Indexer.
- Parameters:
root_path (str) – Root path to the directory structure to index.
database (str or
) – Path to SQLite tsindex database or a TSIndexDatabaseHandler object. A database will be created if one does not already exists at the specified path.index_cmd (str) – Command to be run for each target file found that is not already in the index
bulk_params (dict) – Dictionary of options to pass to
.filename_pattern (str) – Glob pattern to determine what files to index.
parallel (int) – Max number of
instances to run in parallel. By default a max of 5 parallel process are run.loglevel – DEPRECATED and without effect
leap_seconds_file – DEPRECATED and without effect
- Indexer.__init_subclass__()
This method is called when a class is subclassed.
The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.
- Indexer.__le__(value, /)
Return self<=value.
- Indexer.__lt__(value, /)
Return self<value.
- Indexer.__ne__(value, /)
Return self!=value.
- Indexer.__new__(**kwargs)
- Indexer.__reduce__()
Helper for pickle.
- Indexer.__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)
Helper for pickle.
- Indexer.__repr__()
Return repr(self).
- Indexer.__setattr__(name, value, /)
Implement setattr(self, name, value).
- Indexer.__sizeof__()
Size of object in memory, in bytes.
- Indexer.__str__()
Return str(self).
- Indexer.__subclasshook__()
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).