

This module can be easily extended to write and read more event information. If you are interested, please send a PR to the github repository.

  1. Add ‘extended’ or similar key to FIELDS dict, e.g. as a start use
    ‘extended’: (

    ‘{time!s:.25} {lat:.6f} {lat_err:.6f} {lon:.6f} {lon_err:.6f} ‘ ‘{dep:.3f} {dep_err:.3f} {mag:.2f} {mag_err:.2f} {magtype} {id}’ )

    You can also test by just passing the string to fields option.

  2. Implement writing functionality in write_csv by adding the new properties to the dict d. Missing values have to be handled.

  3. Implement reading functionality for the new properties in read_csv.

  4. Write some tests testing all new properties. Check that an event with all new properties defined or missing can be written and read again.

Similar can be done for the picks using PFIELDS, _write_picks, _read_picks

Public Functions


Load CSV or CSZ file into numpy array


Load EVENTTXT file into numpy array

Private Functions


Private functions are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.


Convert ObsPy catalog to numpy array







Accept files or file names or pathlib objects



Read a CSV file and return ObsPy catalog


Read a CSZ file and return ObsPy catalog with picks


Read EVENTTXT file and return ObsPy catalog


Read picks from CSV file and add them to event



Write ObsPy catalog to CSV file


Write ObsPy catalog to CSZ file


Write ObsPy catalog to EVENTTXT file


Write picks from event to a CSV file