- class SEGYTrace(file=None, data_encoding=4, endian='>', unpack_headers=False, filesize=None, headonly=False)[source]
Convenience class that internally handles a single SEG Y trace.
Public Methods
Convert the current Trace to an ObsPy Trace object. |
Writes the Trace to a file like object. |
Private Methods
Private methods are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.
- SEGYTrace._read_trace(unpack_headers=False, headonly=False)[source]
Reads the complete next header starting at the file pointer at self.file.
- Parameters:
unpack_headers (bool) – Determines whether or not all headers will be unpacked during reading the file. Has a huge impact on the memory usage and the performance. They can be unpacked on-the-fly after being read. Defaults to False.
headonly (bool) – Determines whether or not the actual data records will be read and unpacked. Has a huge impact on memory usage. Data will not be unpackable on-the-fly after reading the file. Defaults to False.
Special Methods
- SEGYTrace.__delattr__(name, /)
Implement delattr(self, name).
- SEGYTrace.__dir__()
Default dir() implementation.
- SEGYTrace.__eq__(value, /)
Return self==value.
- SEGYTrace.__format__(format_spec, /)
Default object formatter.
- SEGYTrace.__ge__(value, /)
Return self>=value.
- SEGYTrace.__getattr__(name)[source]
This method is only called if the attribute is not found in the usual places (i.e. not an instance attribute or not found in the class tree for self).
- SEGYTrace.__getattribute__(name, /)
Return getattr(self, name).
- SEGYTrace.__gt__(value, /)
Return self>value.
- SEGYTrace.__hash__()
Return hash(self).
- SEGYTrace.__init__(file=None, data_encoding=4, endian='>', unpack_headers=False, filesize=None, headonly=False)[source]
Convenience class that internally handles a single SEG Y trace.
- Parameters:
file – Open file like object with the file pointer of the beginning of a trace. If it is None, an empty trace will be created.
data_encoding –
The data sample format code as defined in the binary file header:
- 1:
4 byte IBM floating point
- 2:
4 byte Integer, two’s complement
- 3:
2 byte Integer, two’s complement
- 4:
4 byte Fixed point with gain
- 5:
4 byte IEEE floating point
- 8:
1 byte Integer, two’s complement
Defaults to 4.
big_endian (bool) – True means the header is encoded in big endian and False corresponds to a little endian header.
unpack_headers (bool) – Determines whether or not all headers will be unpacked during reading the file. Has a huge impact on the memory usage and the performance. They can be unpacked on-the-fly after being read. Defaults to False.
filesize (int) – Filesize of the file. If not given it will be determined using fstat which is slow.
headonly – bool
headonly – Determines whether or not the actual data records will be read and unpacked. Has a huge impact on memory usage. Data will not be unpackable on-the-fly after reading the file. Defaults to False.
- SEGYTrace.__init_subclass__()
This method is called when a class is subclassed.
The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.
- SEGYTrace.__le__(value, /)
Return self<=value.
- SEGYTrace.__lt__(value, /)
Return self<value.
- SEGYTrace.__ne__(value, /)
Return self!=value.
- SEGYTrace.__new__(**kwargs)
- SEGYTrace.__reduce__()
Helper for pickle.
- SEGYTrace.__reduce_ex__(protocol, /)
Helper for pickle.
- SEGYTrace.__repr__()
Return repr(self).
- SEGYTrace.__setattr__(name, value, /)
Implement setattr(self, name, value).
- SEGYTrace.__sizeof__()
Size of object in memory, in bytes.
- SEGYTrace.__subclasshook__()
Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().
This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).