Seismometer Correction/Simulation
Calculating response from filter stages using evalresp..
..using a StationXML file or in general an Inventory
When using the FDSN client
the response can
directly be attached to the waveforms and then subsequently removed using
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
t1 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T16:30:00.000")
t2 = UTCDateTime("2010-09-3T17:00:00.000")
fdsn_client = Client('IRIS')
# Fetch waveforms and reponse from IRIS FDSN web service into ObsPy
# stream and inventory objects
st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms(
network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ',
starttime=t1, endtime=t2)
inv = fdsn_client.get_stations(
network='NZ', station='BFZ', location='10', channel='HHZ',
starttime=t1, endtime=t2, level='response')
# define a filter band to prevent amplifying noise during the deconvolution
pre_filt = (0.005, 0.006, 30.0, 35.0)
st.remove_response(inventory=inv, output='DISP', pre_filt=pre_filt)
Using the plot option it is possible to visualize the individual steps during response removal in the frequency domain to check the chosen pre_filt and water_level options to stabilize the deconvolution of the inverted instrument response spectrum:
from obspy import read, read_inventory
st = read("/path/to/IU_ULN_00_LH1_2015-07-18T02.mseed")
tr = st[0]
inv = read_inventory("/path/to/IU_ULN_00_LH1.xml")
pre_filt = [0.001, 0.005, 10, 20]
tr.remove_response(inventory=inv, pre_filt=pre_filt, output="DISP",
water_level=60, plot=True)
(Source code, png)
..using a RESP file the same as above, just read the RESP file and use the resulting
inv = read_inventory("/path/to/IUANMO.resp")
st.remove_response(inventory=inv, ...)
..using a Dataless/Full SEED file (or XMLSEED file)
..again, works the same as above, just read the Dataless/Full SEED file and use
the resulting Inventory
A Parser
object created using a Dataless SEED
file can also be used. For each trace the respective RESP response data is
extracted internally then. When using
convenience methods the “date”
parameter can be omitted (each trace’s start time is used internally).
from obspy import read, read_inventory
st = read("")
inv = read_inventory("")
st.remove_response(inventory=inv, output='DISP')
Using a PAZ dictionary
The following script shows how to simulate a 1Hz seismometer from a STS-2 seismometer with the given poles and zeros. Poles, zeros, gain (A0 normalization factor) and sensitivity (overall sensitivity) are specified as keys of a dictionary.
import obspy
from obspy.signal.invsim import corn_freq_2_paz
paz_sts2 = {
'poles': [-0.037004 + 0.037016j, -0.037004 - 0.037016j, -251.33 + 0j,
- 131.04 - 467.29j, -131.04 + 467.29j],
'zeros': [0j, 0j],
'gain': 60077000.0,
'sensitivity': 2516778400.0}
paz_1hz = corn_freq_2_paz(1.0, damp=0.707) # 1Hz instrument
paz_1hz['sensitivity'] = 1.0
st =
# make a copy to keep our original data
st_orig = st.copy()
# Simulate instrument given poles, zeros and gain of
# the original and desired instrument
st.simulate(paz_remove=paz_sts2, paz_simulate=paz_1hz)
# plot original and simulated data
For more customized plotting we could also work with matplotlib manually from here:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tr = st[0]
tr_orig = st_orig[0]
t = np.arange(tr.stats.npts) / tr.stats.sampling_rate
plt.plot(t,, 'k')
plt.ylabel('STS-2 [counts]')
plt.plot(t,, 'k')
plt.ylabel('1Hz Instrument [m/s]')
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
(Source code, png)