
Client.set_eida_token(token, validate=True)[source]

Fetch user and password from the server using the provided token, resulting in subsequent web service requests for waveforms being authenticated for potential access to restricted data. This only works for select EIDA nodes and relies on the auth mechanism described here: http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/waveform/archive/auth/index.php

This will overwrite any previously set-up credentials/authentication.

  • token (str) – Token for EIDA authentication mechanism, see http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/waveform/archive/auth/index.php. This mechanism is only available on select EIDA nodes. The token can be provided in form of the PGP message as a string, or the filename of a local file with the PGP message in it.

  • validate (bool) – Whether to sanity check the token before sending it to the EIDA server or not.