
ObsPy implementation for parsing the SeisComp XML format to an Inventory object.

This is a modified version of obspy.io.stationxml.


Mathijs Koymans (koymans@knmi.nl), 11.2015 - [Jollyfant@GitHub]


The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)


GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)

Private Functions


Private functions are mainly for internal/developer use and their API might change without notice.


Returns number of complex numbers in string (formatted according to SeisComp XML schema type "ComplexArray").


get the restricted_status (boolean) true is evaluated to 'open' and false to 'closed' to match stationXML formatting


>>> print(_get_schema_namespace('0.12'))



Returns a list of complex numbers, parsed from a string (formatted according to SeisComp XML schema type "ComplexArray").


reads channel element from scxml format


Reads equipment information from datalogger Some information is not present > to None


function to read floattype to cls object (based on _read_floattype) normally ObsPy would read this directly from a tag, but with different tag names this is no longer possible; instead we just pass the value and not the tag name.


reads the instrument sensitivity (gain) from the sensor and channel element


Reads the network structure


reads response from scxml format



Function for reading a SeisComp XML file.


Reads equipment information from element Some information is not present > to None


Reads site information from the station element tags and region from network element


Reads the station structure


Reads text from tag in element


Parses scxml paz format Uncertainties on poles removed, not present in scxml.xsd? Always put to None so no internal conflict The sanitization removes the first/last parenthesis and split by comma, real part is 1st, imaginary 2nd