
pk_baer(reltrc, samp_int, tdownmax, tupevent, thr1, thr2, preset_len, p_dur, return_cf=False)[source]

Wrapper for P-picker routine by M. Baer, Schweizer Erdbebendienst.

  • reltrc – time series as numpy.ndarray float32 data, possibly filtered

  • samp_int – number of samples per second

  • tdownmax – if dtime exceeds tdownmax, the trigger is examined for validity

  • tupevent – min nr of samples for itrm to be accepted as a pick

  • thr1 – threshold to trigger for pick (c.f. paper)

  • thr2 – threshold for updating sigma (c.f. paper)

  • preset_len – no of points taken for the estimation of variance of SF(t) on preset()

  • p_dur – p_dur defines the time interval for which the maximum amplitude is evaluated Originally set to 6 secs

  • return_cf (bool) – If True, also return the characteristic function.


(pptime, pfm [,cf]) pptime sample number of parrival; pfm direction of first motion (U or D), optionally also the characteristic function.


currently the first sample is not taken into account

See also
