
Client.get_availability_percentage(network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime, sds_type=None)[source]

Get percentage of available data.

  • network (str) – Network code of requested data (e.g. “IU”).

  • station (str) – Station code of requested data (e.g. “ANMO”).

  • location (str) – Location code of requested data (e.g. “”).

  • channel (str) – Channel code of requested data (e.g. “HHZ”).

  • starttime (UTCDateTime) – Start of requested time window.

  • endtime (UTCDateTime) – End of requested time window.

  • sds_type (str) – Override SDS data type identifier that was specified during client initialization.

Return type

tuple(float, int)


2-tuple of percentage of available data (0.0 to 1.0) and number of gaps/overlaps.