
Client.has_data(network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None, starttime=None, endtime=None)[source]

Return whether there is data for a specified network, station, location, channel, starttime, and endtime combination.

  • network (str) – Network code of requested data (e.g. “IU”). Wildcards ‘*’ and ‘?’ are supported.

  • station (str) – Station code of requested data (e.g. “ANMO”). Wildcards ‘*’ and ‘?’ are supported.

  • location (str) – Location code of requested data (e.g. “”). Wildcards ‘*’ and ‘?’ are supported.

  • channel (str) – Channel code of requested data (e.g. “HHZ”). Wildcards ‘*’ and ‘?’ are supported.

  • starttime (UTCDateTime) – Start of requested time window. Defaults to minimum possible start date.

  • endtime (UTCDateTime) – End of requested time window. Defaults to maximum possible end date.

Return type



Returns True if there is data in the index for a given network, station, location, channel, starttime, endtime.