
RtTrace.slice(starttime=None, endtime=None, nearest_sample=True)

Return a new Trace object with data going from start to end time.

  • starttime (UTCDateTime) – Specify the start time of slice.

  • endtime (UTCDateTime) – Specify the end time of slice.

  • nearest_sample (bool, optional) –

    If set to True, the closest sample is selected, if set to False, the inner (next sample for a start time border, previous sample for an end time border) sample containing the time is selected. Defaults to True.

    Given the following trace containing 6 samples, “|” are the sample points, “A” is the requested starttime:

    |         |A        |         |       B |         |
    1         2         3         4         5         6

    nearest_sample=True will select samples 2-5, nearest_sample=False will select samples 3-4 only.


New Trace object. Does not copy data but just passes a reference to it.


>>> tr = Trace(data=np.arange(0, 10))
>>> tr.stats.delta = 1.0
>>> t = tr.stats.starttime
>>> tr2 = tr.slice(t + 2, t + 8)
>>> tr2.data
array([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])